UDC 612.017.1:636.083.37 Agarkov A.V. Summary. First week of life of the newborn – neonatal period, – is the most critical period in the course of ontogenesis. This period is characterized by the highest intensity of metabolic processes, the greatest possibility of failure of adaptable mechanisms in the conditions of sharp change of environment (transition from pre-natal life to extra uterine). Therefore the concept of health of the newborn includes concept its optimum formation of the immunobiological status in the changing of environmental conditions. Adaptation of newborn animals to surrounding conditions is carried out by change of functions of organs and systems of the organism. The arising contradictions between an organism and not favorable factors influencing it demand deep studying of mechanisms of their interaction. Therefore, ample adaptive opportunities of an organism also should be taken as an initial basis of further researches and development of recommendations for practical introduction in production taking into account the maximum use of laws of ontogenesis, natural resilience of an organism and fuller disclosure of its genetic potential. As cumulative criterion of health even more often consider the immunobiological potential of a newborn organism which reflects degree of its balance with Wednesday. The background which, actually, defines risk of manifestation of diseases, so and health level is directly connected with it. Thus, detection of neonatal features of formation of immunobiological potential at pigs is necessary for a quantitative assessment of adaptation opportunities of a newborn organism and can represent the key moment on which the health assessment depends. Because immunobiological protection plays an important role in ensuring structural and functional integrity of a newborn organism, its own state at every moment, represents exclusive interest on prevention and recovery from many, especially infectious, diseases. Keywords: pigs, blood serum, immunobiological status, immune system, cellular and humoral immunity, natural resistance, neonatal period, newborn animals. References: 1. Anokhin Yu.N. Ekologichesky printsip morfo-funktsionalnoy organizatsii immunnoy sistemy [Ecological principle of morfo-functional organization of immune system]. – Ecology. – Yekaterinburg, 2005 (10). – pp. 39-42. 2. Baevsky R.M., Berseneva A.P. Otsenka adaptatsionnykh vozmozhnostey i risk razvitiya zabolevaniy [Аssessment of adaptation opportunities and risk of development of diseases]. – Medicine. – Moscow, 2001. – 236 p. 3. Voronin E.S., Petrov A.M., Serykh M.M., Dervishov D.A. Immunologiya [Immunology]. – Kolos-Press. – Moscow, 2002.– 408 p. 4. Dmitriev A.F. Teoreticheskie predposylki prognozirovaniya zhiznesposobnosti novorozhdennykh zhivotnykh [Theoretical prerequisites of forecasting of viability the newborn animals]. SSACA. – Stavropol, 1998. – pp. 117-119. 5. Dmitriev A.F. Postnikov E.I., Ediev A.U., Simonov A.N., Isabaeva D.A. Prognozirovanie zhiznesposobnosti novorozhdennykh yagnyat [Forecasting of viability of newborn lambs]. – Moscow, 2001 (4). – pp. 26-29. 6. Fedyuk V.V., Shatalov S.V., Koshlyak V.V. Estestvennaya rezistentnost’ krupnogo rogatogo skota i sviney [Natural resistance of cattle and pigs]. – Persianovsky, 2007. – 175 p. 7. Khaitov R.M., Pinegin B.V. Sovremennye immunomodulyatory: osnovnye printsipy ikh primeneniya [Modern immunomodulators: basic principles of application]. – Immunologiya. – Moscow, 2000 (5). – pp. 4-7. 8. Baxter, E.M., Jarvis, S., Sherwood, L., Robson, S.K., Ormandy, E., Farish, S.M., Roehe, R., Lawrence, A.B. and Edwards, S.A. Indicators of piglet survival in an outdoor farrowing system. Livest. Science. – 2009. – P. 266–276. 9. Le Dividich J, Rooke J.A. and Herpin T.M. Nutritional and immunological importance of colostrum for the newborn pig. Journal of Agricultural Science 143.–2005. – P. 469–485. 10. Xu R.J., Zhang S.H., Wang F.U. Postnatal adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract in neonatal pigs: a possible role of milk-borne growth factors. LivestockProdScience66.–2000.–P. 95–107. Author affiliation: Agarkov Aleksandr V., post-graduate student of the department of microbiology and epizootiology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; ap. 38, 16/1, 50 let VLKSM st., Stavropol, 355000; ph.: 8 (906)441-34-47; e–mail: agarkov.sashok@yandex.ru, – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.