UDC 636.033/57.054 Topuriya G.M., Pirogov V.V. Summary. Influence of germivit on the immune status of bull-calves is studied in the article. Germivit – preparation derived from wheat germ, it includes vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements. Germivit is successfully used in various branches of animal husbandry. Increase of bactericidal activity of blood serum was observed under the influence of a germivit in bull-calves of the first test group. Reliable differences on lysozyme activity of blood serum at 15-month age were recorded in representatives of the third test group (3,11% (р<0,01)). Beta- (β-) and lytic activity of blood serum throughout all experience at animals of the control and test groups changed slightly and doubtfully. Under the influence of germivit to 15-month age the substantial increase of number of T-lymphocytes in blood of bull-calves of test groups was observed. Similar consistent pattern is determined and at calculation of quantity of В-lymphocytes. Under the influence of germivit at bull-calves of test groups at 15-month age reliable decrease in number of the CEC in blood in comparison with control contemporaries for 4,06-4,73% was observed (р<0,01-0,001). At 18-month age this difference increased a little and made 6,02-7,18% (р<0,001). The specified circumstance testifies to decrease in antigenic load of an organism of animals. The presented results of researches testify the positive influence of germivit on the immune status of bull-calves. Keywords: bulls, Simmental breed, immune status, feed additive, germivit, metabolism, blood, natural resistance, diet, bactericidal activity. References: 1. Andreeva A.V., Arslanova Yu.F., Nikolaeva O.N. Vliyanie rekombinantnogo interleykina-2 na fagotsitarnuyu aktivnost’ krovi telyat pri vaktsinatsii [Influence of recombinant interleukin-2 on phagocytic activity of blood of calves at vaccination]. – Ufa, 2014. – pp. 18-20. 2. Donnik I.M., Shkuratova I.A., Isaeva A.G., Rubinsky I.A. Vliyanie germivita na kliniko-immunologicheskie pokazateli sviney [Influence of a germivit on clinical and immunologic indices of pigs]. – Veterinariya. – Moscow, 2010 (11). – pp. 47-49. 3. Donnik I.M., Shkuratova I.A., Rubinsky I.A., Topuriya G. M., Chernokozhev A.I., Topuriya L.Yu. Primenenie germivita v zhivotnovodstve i veterinarii [Use of germivit in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine]. – VNIIMS. – Orenburg, 2010. – 96 p. 4. Levakhin V., Babicheva And., Poberukhin M., Petrunina Yu., Sirazetdinov F. Effektivnost’ ispol’zovaniya BAV pri vyrashchivanii myasnykh bychkov [Efficacy of use of biologically active substances at cultivation of meat bull-calves]. – Molochnoe i myasnoe skotovodstvo. – Balashikha, 2010 (7). – pp. 22-24. 5. Topuriya L.Yu., Topuriya G.M. Immunologicheskie metody issledovaniy v veterinarnoy meditsine [Immunobiological methods of researches in veterinary medicine]. – OGAU. – Orenburg, 2006. – 42 p. 6. Topuriya G.M., Topuriya L.Yu. Profilaktika immunodefi tsitnykh sostoyaniy u telyat [Prophylaxis of immunodefi ciency at calves]. – BIO. – Yekaterinburg, 2007 (7). – p. 50. 7. Topuriya G.M., Topuriya L.Yu., Rebezov M.B., Bogatova O.V., Stadnikova S.V. Vliyanie germivita na myasnuyu produktivnost’ i kachestvo myasa utyat [Influence of a germivit on meat productivity and quality of ducklings’ meat]. – Chelyabinsk, 2013 (5 (83)). – pp. 98-102. 8. Chernokozhev A.I., Topuriya G.M. Vliyanie germivita na organizm bychkov [Influence of a germivit on an organism of bull-calves]. – Kazan, 2010. – pp. 243-248. Author affiliation: Pirogov Viktor V., post-graduate student of the department of technology of processing and certification of production of animal husbandry of the Orenburg State Agrarian University; 18, Chelyuskintsev st., Orenburg, 460014; ph.: (3532) 77-59-39; e-mail: golaso@rambler.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Topuriya Gocha M., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, head of the department of processing technology and certification of animal products of the Orenburg State Agrarian University; 18, Chelyuskintsev st., Orenburg, 460014; ph.: (3532) 77-59-39; e-mail: golaso@rambler.ru.