UDC 636.3/.4:612.1 PROTEIN COMPOSITION OF BLOOD SERA OF SHEEP, GOATS AND PIGS IN THE PERIOD OF EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT Borisov D.R. Summary. Metabolic changes occur respectively, including protein metabolism in particular, during growth and development of the organism. All kinds of metabolism are closely interconnected. Blood proteins involved in the processes of nutrition and growth are of particular interest, in the phenomena of immunity and regeneration processes in the regulation of acid-base relations, maintaining osmotic and oncotic pressure in the tissues. Authors studied the dynamics of the protein content and its fractions in the blood serum of different species of farm animals in Transbaikalia. Scientific research was organized at Ulan-Ude. Pathologic material was taken from 72 fetuses: 49 (sheep), 14 (goat) and 9(pigs). Fetal blood was taken directly from the heart after slaughtering. We have noted increased protein content and its fractions in the serum, especially during the second half of embryonic development. Authors observed that whey protein concentration increase in sheep and goats occurs mainly due to albumin fractions. Absence of gamma-globulins in the antenatal period of ontogenesis was studied due to the presence of complex and multi-layered placenta of females and weak development of the immune system during embryogenesis. Key words: Transbaikalia, fetus, sheep, goats, pigs, ontogeny, blood serum, fraction, total protein, albumin, globulins. References. 1. Arshavsky I.A. Ocherki po vozrastnoy fiziologii [Essays on age physiology]. - M., 1967. – 237 p. 2. Bochkarev N.G. Dinamika belkov i aminokislot v syvorotke krovi karakulskikh ovets v prenatalny period i pri beremennosti [Dynamics of proteins and amino acids in the blood serum of Karakul sheep in the prenatal period and during pregnancy].– 1972: pp. 105-107. 3. Gurzhav N. Kliniko-fiziologicheskie, gematologicheskie i biokhimicheskie pokazateli u mongolskikh ovets v svyazi s vozrastom, polomisezonnostyu [Clinical physiological, hematological and biochemical parameters in Mongolian sheep in relation to age, gender and seasonality].– 1964: 23 p. 4. Studentsov A.P., Shipilov V.S., Subbotin L.G., Preobrazhensky O.N. Veterinarnoe akusherstvo i ginekologiya [Veterinary obstetrics and gynecology]. – Kolos. – Moscow, 1980. – 446 p. Author affiliation: Borisov Danil R., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior lecturer of the department of normal and pathological physiology, pharmacology and toxicology of the Philippov Buryat State Agricultural Academy; 8, Pushkinа st., Ulan-Ude, 670034; phone: 8-914-832-04-61;e-mail:danil.borisov.1957@mail.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.