UDC 636.085 LIPID OXIDATIVE CHANGES OF FEED DURING STORAGE AND FODDER PRODUCTION Kalashnikova L.I., Borovskaya L.V., Dotsenko S.P., Bykova S.F. Summary. High efficiency indices ensuring of livestock is in direct relation to the organization of full feeding, corresponding to modern ideas about the biological roles of the various feed ingredients, food habits of different groups of animals and the role of feed quality in the prevention of animal diseases. Authors investigated the mechanism of oxidative degradation of lipids feed originating in the process of storage and heat treatment, and the factors that determine their resistance to oxidative changes. Under the influence of external factors the lipids included in the composition of the feed are subjected to changes in most cases involving hydrolytic cleavage catalyzed by enzymes and associated with the release of fatty acids as well as their oxidation, which always means reduction of the biological value of feeds. Oxidation changes of lipids lead to the loss of lipophilic vitamins (A, D, E, K), essential fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic) and other biologically active substances. Changes in lipid oxidation processes especially enhanced during high-temperature treatment, since in this case there is a decay of initial natural antioxidants which reduces its useful validity during subsequent storage. Products of oxidative degradation of fatty acids, having high chemical reactivity, capable of reacting with protein feed, which reduces not only the nutritional value of the lipid, but the digestibility and bioavailability of feed. Results of studies on the mechanism of oxidative degradation of fatty acids with varying degrees of unsaturation showed chemical instability during storage of lipids, especially under heat. It was established that the oxidative degradation mechanism of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids differ only in the initial stage and the mechanism of formation and the composition of the secondary products of oxidative degradation– is identical. Use of antioxidants in some cases, is one of the best methods of stabilization processes of lipid in feed. Keywords: radical mechanism of lipid oxidation, hydroperoxide, radicals of fatty acids, saturated, mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acid, oxidation products, antioxidants, nutritional lipid. References 1. Ushkalova V.N. Kinetika okisleniya lipidov [Kinetics of lipid oxidation]. – 1984: pp. 283-286. 2. Nоske Н.J., Grunert S., FranskeС. Über Einfluss polymerer Fettsäureverbindungen auf die Autoxodation von Linolsäueremethylester, Sonnenblumen- und Rapsoöilvollraffinat. // Nahrung. – 1982. – Вd.26. – N°5. – S. 445-449. 3. Раulose М.М., Сhang S.S. Chemical reactions involved the deep fаt frying оf foods, Characterization оf nonvolatile decomposition prоducts оf triolein.// J. Аmer. ОilСhem. Sоc. – 1978. – Vol. 55. – N°4. – Р. 375-380. 4. ТhаlerН., КleinauН.J. Über die Autoxodation gesättiger Fеttsäuren Anriff des Sauerstoffes und Bildung von Peroхiden bеi der Охуdation von Laurinund Stearinsäure sоwie ihrer Меthylеstеr. // Fettе, Seifen, Anstr. – 1969. – Bd.71. –N°2. – S. 92-98. 5. Zhu X., Wanq K., Zhu J., Koqa M. Analysis of cooking oil fumes by ultraviolet spectrometry and gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. // J. aqr. Food Сhem. – 2001. – Vol. 49. – N°10. – Р. 4790-4794. Author affiliation: Borovskaya L.V., Kuban State Technological University; 2, Moskovskaya st., Krasnodar, 350072; e-mail: kalann@mail.ru. Dotsenko S.P., Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; e-mail: kalann@mail.ru. Bykova S.F., All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Lipids of the RAAS (North-Caucasian Office); 17, Filatova st., Krasnodar, 350038; phone: (861)254-14-18; e-mail: kalann@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kalashnikova Lyudmila I., Kuban State Technological University; 2, Moskovskaya st., Krasnodar, 350072; e-mail: kalann@mail.ru.