UDC 619.616.99 EPIZOOTIC WELLBEING ENSURING – PRIMARY TASK OF THE STATE VETERINARY SERVICE OF KRASNODAR REGION Dzhailidi G.A., Krivonos R.A., Yakubenko E.V. Summary. Quarterly monitoring system for preventive activities was introduced from mid-2012 to ensure a stable epizootic wellbeing of Krasnodar region. This allowed to increase vaccination of large horned cattle against anthrax and foot-and-mouth disease by 32% and 68%, respectively, and of small horned cattle against anthrax and foot-and-mouth disease by 64% and 14.4 times, respectively, in comparison with 2011. Vaccination amounts of dogs and cats against rabies increased by 43%. Pig breeding development in Krasnodar region is going through hard times. Thus, pig stock decreased by more than 4.5 times since 2007. The reason for this decrease was the spread of African swine fever in the region. After five years of stable not-wellbeing of African swine fever in the region, in 2013 any ASF outbreaks have not been reported. If in 2012 in Krasnodar region were 22% of unfavorable points of Russia’s total, in 2013 this index decreased to 44 times and made up 0.5%. Moreover, the only unfortunate point was identified on wild boars in Anapa district. Fundamental improvement of epizootic situation of African swine fever in Krasnodar region came amid complications overall situation in the Russian Federation. Improvement of ASF had not only epizootic, but economic value for the Krasnodar region. One of the highly contagious diseases of cloven-hoofed animals is foot-and-mouth disease. Krasnodar region since 1980 remained prosperous for this disease, as veterinary experts timely carried out active immunization of animals with FMD vaccine culture of mono- and multivalent inactivated adsorbed (types A, O, Asia-1). Despite this, in 2013, foci of foot-and-mouth disease were reported in Mostovsky region. Foot-and-mouth disease virus type A genome was detected. Foot-and-mouth disease in three settlements a Mostovsky district was localized with the efforts of the State Veterinary Service of Krasnodar region. Leucosis causes considerable economic damage to agricultural enterprises of different forms of ownership in modern livestock breeding. This disease takes the first place in the structure of infectious disease of large horned cattle. Despite the decrease in leukemia virus infection of large horned cattle in the agricultural organizations in the last decade, now 128 unfavorable points are registered in Krasnodar region. Keywords: epizootic situation, wellbeing, vaccination, outbreak, focus, African swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, rabies, leucosis, virus, strain. References 1. Dzhailidi G.A. 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