Baranikov V.A., Pyshmantseva N.A. Summary Authors established zootechnical feasibility and economic efficiency of Monosporin use in diets of suckling piglets. Experiment was made on 2 groups of animals from a daily to 4-month age. First group of pigs served as control, and received the main basically diet, and animals of the second group the first 8 days of life received Monosporin in a dosage of 1 ml on the head, and also in the period of depriving from sows – within 6 days on 3 ml on the head. As a result of cultivation of pigs with application of a studied preparation increase of their live weight at the age of 21 days is established: in control this indicator made 5,1 kg, and in the skilled – 5,5 kg. At 60-day age the live mass of animals was higher in group where pigs received a probiotic – on 2,3 kg, thus their safety was higher, in comparison with control for 6,9%, and expenses of forages are 0,3 kg lower. During cultivation 2-4 months intensity of growth of pigs in skilled group was higher, concerning the first for 13,4%. For control of a state of health of pigs at the end of experience blood was taken and its biochemical indicators are defined. According to the content of the general protein in blood of pigs was within physiological norm in both groups. Albumins of fractions contained more at animals of the second group. As a result of cultivation of pigs with probiotic application, product cost decreased by 11,0%. On the basis of the above we consider expedient input of a probiotic of Monosporin the first 8 days of life of pigs in number of 1 ml on the head and on 3 ml within 6 days at depriving. Key words: pigs, group, probiotic, bacteria, diet, live weight, gross gain, expenses of forages, prime cost, biochemical indicators. References - Baranikov V.A. Barilo O.R. Dinamika zhivoy massy i intensivnost rosta sviney v rezultate ispolzovaniya antistressovykh preparatov [Dynamics of live weight and intensity of growth of pigs as a result of anti-stressful preparations’ use]. – 2012: 90-92.
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Author affiliation Baranikov Vladimir A., Ph.D. in Biology, doctoral student of the Don State Agrarian University; Persianovsky sttl., Rostov region, 346493; 8(86360) 3-61-10; e-mail: dongau@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Pyshmantseva Natalia A., Ph.D. in Agriculture, leading scientific researcher of the North Caucasian scientific research institute of animal husbandry; 4, Pervomayskaya st., Znamensky sttl., Krasnodar, 350055; ph.: 8 (905) 4778051; e-mail: skniig@skniig.ru.