Skorikov A.V., Terekhov V.I., Malyshevа T.V. Summary Research has shown that the use of prebiotic Hydrogemol to sows a week before birth and during the first week after, as well as to newborn piglets gave a positive effect on the natural resistance of offspring. This is evident, first of all, that it improves the microecological structure in the intestinal tract of pigs by reducing the number of opportunistic microorganisms and increase the number of symbiotic bacteria. Moreover, the positive effect is maintained even two weeks after the cessation of Hydrogemol giving. Authors assumed that Hydrogemol directly and indirectly positively effects cellular and humoral immunity of piglets through the stimulation of their own indigenous microflora. Activating the natural defense mechanisms of newborn piglets by prebiotic drug incidence of escherichiosis significantly reduced. In connection with the researches new strategy to prevent not only Escherichiosis, but other enteric infections in pigs, should be considered. Targeted regulation of microecological processes in the intestinal tract of sows and normomicrobiocenosis formation in the digestive tract and increased factors of innate immunity in newborn piglets is main direction of this strategy. Considering the enormous role of symbiotic microflora, not only in the processes of digestion, but in a system of anti-infective, anti-toxic microorganism protection, this statement can’t be unfounded. Only its own, resident microflora, and not transient as probiotic strains can provide real-time protection and normal course of physiological processes in the digestive tract of young animals providing them with high viability and productivity. Key words: sows, piglets, Escherichiosis, prevention, microbiocenosis, nonspecific resistance, colonization resistance, Hydrogemol, prebiotics. References - Baybikov T.Z., Rakhmanov A.M., Yаremenko N.Ya. Osnovnye infektsionnye bolezni sviney i ikh spetsificheskaya profilaktika v sovremnennykh usloviyakh [Pig infectious diseases and its specific prevention in modern conditions]. – Veles. – Vladimir, 2003. – pp. 87-90.
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Author affiliation Skorikov Aleksander V., Ph.D., Deputy Head of the State veterinary department of Krasnodar region; 36, Rashplevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000; phone: 8(918)3145411. Malysheva Tatiana V., Ph.D. in Medicine, docent of the department of microbiology of the Kuban State Medical University; 4, Sedina st., Krasnodar, 350063; phone: 8(918)2422225. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Terekhov Vladimir I., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the department of microbiology, epizootiology and virology of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 8(988)4742115; e-mail: vterekhov@list.ru..