Donnik I.M., Shkuratova I.A., Isaeva A.G., Beykin Ya.B., Yakubenko E.V. Summary Authors studied the immune system of cows with a high level of productivity, depending on the physiological state of the genotype, season of the year for the possible development of the correction of system immunodeficiencies. It was established that clinical signs of pathological processes, enlargement of the liver, symptoms of bone disease, urinary system diseases, cardiovascular and obstetric and gynecological diseases were identified in 60-80% of animals with high productivity. For early diagnostics of immunodeficiencies in cows with high level of productivity complex medical examination and immunological monitoring, testing the basic cellular and humoral immunity should be done at least once a year. Key words: cows, dairy cattle, immune system, productivity, immune status, immune deficiency, genotype, physiological state. References - Vereshchak N.A., Tumakova V.M., Isaeva A.G. Povyshenie molochnoy produktivnosti korov s pomoshchyu biologicheski aktivnykh dobavok i premiksov [Increase of milk productivity of cows with dietary supplements and premixes]. – Yekaterinburg, 2005. – pp. 415-418.
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Author affiliation Donnik Irina M., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, Academician of RAAS, rector of the Urals State Agricultural Academy; 42, Karla Libknekta st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk area, 620075; ph.: 8 (343) 371-33-63; e-mail: rector@ursaca.ru. Shkuratova Irina A., D.Sc. in Biology, professor, director of the Urals Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 112 a, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk area, 620142; ph.: 8 (343) 257-78-71. Isaeva Albina G., Ph.D. in Biology, Senior scientific researcher of the department of animal diseases’ monitoring of the Urals Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 112 a, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk area, 620142; ph.: 8 (343) 257-78-71.; e-mail: isaeva.05@bk.ru. Beykin Yakov B., D.Sc. in Medicine, professor, chief doctor of Clinical Diagnostic Center; 38, Dekabristov st., Yekaterinburg, 620142; ph.: (343) 257-37-69. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Yakubenko E.V., Ph.D. in Biology, Head of the Krasnodar Regional Station of fighting against animal diseases; 15/1, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; 8 (918) 45-42-355; e-mail: vetkuban@mail.ru.