Sergeyev O.V., Kochetkov P.S., Serbis E.S. Summary Live vaccine against porcine epizootic diarrhea is freeze-dried for long term storage. Dry vaccine is made with one of three protective mediums dextran, gelatin-peptone and milk. Safety of viral activity in dry preparations during storage was assessed by the method of "accelerated aging". Dextran was the most effective of the teste stabilizing medium, thus it was used for commercial vaccine manufacturing. Thus, method of accelerated aging is of interest as rapid method of assessing quality of dry products as well as new of stabilizers and modes of sublimation. Key words: porcine epizootic diarrhea, virus, cytopathic activity, live vaccine, stabilizing medium, freeze-drying, sublimation, drying, dry preparation, accelerated ageing. References - Dmitrienko V.V., Zakutsky N.I., Balysheva V.I. Virusvaktsina protiv KChS iz shtamma "LK-VNIIVViM" [Vaccine against CSF manufactured from the LCVNIIVVM]. – Svinovodstvo. – Moscow, 2011 (8). - pp. 44-46.
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Author affiliation Kochetkov Pavel S., engineer of the VETBICHEM LTD.; 16, Gamaleya, Moscow, 123098; ph.: (926) 682-68-87; e-mail: kochetkovps@mail.ru. Serbis Elena S., Ph.D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Research Institute for biological Industry; Biokombinata sttl., Shchelkovsky dist., Moscow area; ph.: (915) 055-75-60; e-mail: eserbis@mail.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Sergeev Oleg V., Ph.D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Ivanovsky Scientific-Research Institute of Virology; 16, Gamaleya, Moscow, 123098; ph.: (926) 792-70-74; e-mail: osergeyev123@gmail.com.