Arkhipov A.A. Summary The article gives us the author’s view about the problem of prevention and treatment of mastitis among cows. The principles of choice of one or another drug or treatment according to the mastitis clinical course, emergence rate, and also the possible sequences of wrong choice of drugs are shown there. The author describes two new drugs of Spanish company Laboratorios SYVA s.a.u. – Mamicur and Cefamax, equally with well-known antimastitis injectors Mamifort and Mamifort Secado. The use of new products along with already available ones can help to a considerable degree veterinary specialists to control mastitis in farms. Key words: mastitis, cow, udder, inflammation, hormones, antibiotics, treatment. References - Belkin B., Cherepakhina L., Popkova T., Skrebneva E. Diagnostika i netraditsionnye metody lecheniya subklinicheskogo mastita korov [Diagnostics and nontraditional methods of therapy of subclinical mastitis of cows]. – 2010. – pp. 47-56. – Print. (in Russ.).
- Roman L.G. Meropriyatiya pri mastite suhostoynykh korov [Measures at mastitis of dry cows]. – 2009. – pp. 25-26. – Print. (in Russ.).
- Cherepakhina L.A. Vyyavlenie osnovnykh infektsionnykh agentov skrytogo mastita u laktiruyushchikh korov [Identification of major infectious agents concealed mastitis in lactating cows]. – 2008. – p. 23. – Print. (in Russ.).
Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Arkhipov Alexander A., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, technical director of the Preston Vet Kft; 14 / 8a, Ryazansky av., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8(495)937-72-24; e-mail: alex_preston@mail.ru.