Chebotareva T. Yu. Summary Sarcocystose – protozoan disease common to animals and humans of many kinds of warm-blooded animals, birds, reptiles, and also humans, characterized by formation of cysts in muscles, cardiac muscle and other tissues. As sarcocysts affect muscle tissue, preventing the possibility of invasion of the animals will significantly improve the quality of meat products and reduce costs to receive it. Sarcocysts from pigs are pathogenic for humans, and allocated sporocysts are pathogenic for pigs. Is necessary to consider the possibility of influence specific toxic products of metabolism of sarcocysts – sarcocystine on the human organism. Distribution of sarcocystose among pigs in Omsk region is studied. Disease occurs in all the areas studied by the authors. Extent of infestation of sarcocystose of pigs ranged from 26,3% to 75,0%. Key words: sarcocystose, protozoa, laboratory, muscles microscopic examination, infection, dissemination. References - Bogush A.A. Parazitozy myshts sviney i mery ikh profilaktiki [Parasitoses of muscles of pigs and measures of its prevention]. – Minsk. – 1976. – Print. (in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chebotareva Tatyana Yu., post-graduate student of the department of epizootology, parasitology, infectious and invasive diseases of animals of the Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University; 96, Berezovskogo st., Omsk, 644122; phone: 8 (908) 794-91-82; e-mail: chebotorca@mail.ru – responsible for correspondence with editorial board.