Avdeev D.B. Summary Detailed study of morphology of vagus nerve, its topography and innervation is a great practical interest to scientists. Objects for morphological study were carcases of clinically healthy poultry ordines Galliformes and Anseriformes: cross Hayseks white and Blagovarsky, respectively. Authors investigated heart area, digestive organs, and also respiratory system of poultry. Length of vagus nerve, quantitative length of nerve branches, size of distale and jugulare ganglion were found out during scientific work. General ventral vagal column is formed at different levels in fowls and ducks. Also, interaction of vagus with other nerves in the field of exit from the cranial cavity is studied. Key words: fowl, goose, vagus, nerves, ganglion jugulare, ganglion distale. References - Vrakin V.F., Sidorova M.V. Anatomitya i gistologiya domashney ptitsy [Anatomy and histology of poultry]. – M.: Kolos, 1984. – p. 288. – Print (in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Avdeev Dmitry B., post-graduate student of the department of anatomy, histology, physiology and pathological anatomy of the faculty of veterinary medicine of the Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University; 162-25, Bogdana Khmelnitsky st., Omsk, 644021; phone: 8 (908) 7913873; e-mail: avdeev86@inbox.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.