Fedyuk V.V., Fedyuk E.I., Koshlyak V.V., Kochuev M.M. Summary Biopreparations obtained from organs and tissues of health animals have the most important significance for increasing of young pig resistance. Ferments, tissue preparations and pancrease extracts, blood and lymphogenous preparations, organic acids and provitamins are widely used all over the world. Experiments are currently underway in our country to investigate using of hormone substances synthesed by endocrine cells of intensine, stomach and pancrease. They are polypeptides such as gastrin, sekretin, cholecystokinin, serotinin, motilin and etc. which control quality of digestion ferments and regulate processes of absorbing, membrain digestion, motility and secretion of stomach, pancrease, gallbladder. It needs to be ascertained the influence of these preparations on fattening qualities and meat productivity indices of meat types – fast-growing meat type of the Steppe breed and the Don type of the North Caucasus pig breed; to evaluate animal resistance in using of these preparations; to study influence of intestine polypeptides on fattening and meat qualities of DM-1 and ST; to develope methods of increasing pig productivity. Experiments were carried out with three preparations keeping intestinal polypeptides: "Extract of piglet duodenum", "Enterdon", "Gastrin, sekretin, cholecystokinin-pancreosimin". First preparation was given with drinking water, second one – with feed, third one by injection. It is found out that the first two preparations have better results for increasing of pig fattening and meat qualities. Intestine hormones are not kept in dry preparations in full volume. Key words: fattening and meat qualities of pigs, intestinal polypeptide, gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin. References - Grachev D. V. Kormovye fermenty - reshenie za khozayistvami. [Feed additives - farms" decisions]. Pigbreeding, # 4 (2002): pp.19-20. - Print.( in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Fedyuk Elena I., Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, senior teacher of the departament of dairy- and biotechnology of the Don State Agrarian University; fl.48, 9, Michurin st., setl. Persianovsky, Oktyabrsky dist., Rostov region, Russia, 346493; phone:8-918-504-36-19,epiz@mail.ru. Koshlyak Vladimir V., Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, Assis.Professor of the departament of parazitology, veterinary-sanitary examination and zoohygiene of the Don State Agrarian University; 13, Gorky st., setl. Persianovsky,Oktyabrsky dist., Rostov region, Russia, 346493; phone:8-90185-08-75,epiz@mail.ru. Kochuev Mikhail M., post-graduate student; setl. Persianovsky, Oktyabrsky dist., Rostov region, Russia, 346493; phone:8-951-511-79-84. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Fedyuk Viktor V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Professor of the departament of breeding, selection and genetics of agricultural animals of the Don State Agrarian University; fl.48;9,Michurin st., setl. Persianovsky, Oktyabrsky dist., Rostov region, Russia, 346493; phone:8-918-504-36-19,epiz@mail.ru.