Vachevsky S.S., Оsipchuk G.V., Povetkin S.N., Rodin I.A., Sklyarov S.P. Summary Strengthening of metabolic processes at application of a new tissue preparation confirms different hand-to-hand level changes of triglycerides and glucose at such obstetrical diseases, as sharp postnatal endometritis, chronic endometritis, and also atrophy/hypofunction of ovaries – the basic material for restoration of mucopolysaccharides of endometrium– an energy source that promotes sanogenesis at the named pathologies. Expediency of application of fabric therapy visually proves to be true the put experience on application of a new fabric preparation. Fractions of the electrochemical activated water (ECAW) at introduction regulate peroxidation of lipids, slow down processes of damage of cages by free radicals. Recognized experience on revealing of influence of sour and alkaline fractions (ECAW), spent on rats, shows perspectivity of the further studying of their mutual influence on an organism against application of a new fabric preparation. Key words: new tissue preparation, obstetrical diseases, triglyceride, glucose, perоxidation of lipids, electrochemical activated conjunctions. References - Misailov V.D. Mery borby s besplodiem i yalovostyu korov [Measures against infertility and esterilidades of cows]. – 1976. – 77 p. – Print. (in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Vachevsky Sergey S., Ph.D. in Veterinary, senior research assistant of the Biotechnology in reproduction and transplantation of embryos laboratory of the Scientific-Research Institute of Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine; 8, Timiryazeva st., Maksimovka vllg., Aneny-Noi reg., Republic Moldova, 6525. Osipchuk Galina V., graduate of the department of physiology and feeding of agricultural animals of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 513, 13/3, Kalilina st., Krasnodar, 350044. Rodin Igor A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of surgery and obstetrics of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalilina st., Krasnodar, 350044. Sklyarov Sergey P., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior lecturer of the department of parazitology, veterinary-sanitary examination, anatomy and patanatomy of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; 13, Peschany lane, Mikhailovsk, 356240; phone: +7(905)4910913. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Povetkin Sergey N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, senior research assistant of the laboratory of parasitology and veterinary-sanitary examination of the Krasnodar Scientific-Research Veterinary Institute; 1, 1st Line, Krasnodar, 350004.