Savinа Yu.D., Gawor J. Summary Veterinary dentistry – science that studies the diseases of the oral cavity of animals, methods of diagnotics, treatment and prevention. The basis of this science are the anatomical and topographical knowledge of the structure of the mouth and physiological processes occurring in it. Disease of any organ of the mouth should be seen as a disease of the mouth. All diseases of the mouth can be divided into 9 groups: congenital conditions, abnormal bite, periodontal disease, diseases of the pulp and periapical tissues, and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, diseases caused by trauma, destructive of tooth decay, cancer of the mouth, оral lesions, which are the clinical signs of systemic disease. Key words: veterinary dentistry, classification of diseases of the mouth, teeth, mouth, periodontium, occlusion, destructive lesions, trauma, pulp, congenital abnormalities. References - Zazulevskaya L.Yu. Sistematika bolezney rotovoy polosti [Systematics of periodontal diseases]. – Problems of dentistry. – N° 3 (17). – 2002. – Print. (in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Jerzy Gawor, DVM, PhD, resident of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry, senior president of the PSAVA and EVDS, clinic, "Arka", Krakow, Poland. jgawor@pp.com.pl. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Savina Yulia D., veterinary dentist, President of the Veterinary Dental Society, lecturer in the School of Veterinary Dentistry APPV, veterinary clinic "Center"; 1/11, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Moscow; phone:89036792630, nedorazumenko@mail.ru.