Kononenko S.I., Chikov A.E., Osepchuk D.V., Bondarenko V.I. Summary Influence of granulated mixed fodders on intensity of growth and development of young growth of pigs during fattening is studied. Feeding of granulated forages did not influence the degree of development of ulcer inflammation of stomach and frequency of its occurrence. Feeding of pigs by granulated mixed fodders promoted increase of their live weight while cultivation ends on 8,2%, at decrease in expenses of forages on 1 kg of a gain on 7%, in relation to the control animals, receiving mixed feed of the same structure. Efficiency of use of the granulated mixed fodders in feeding of fattened pigs, without deterioration of a condition of their health was proved by authors. Key words: pigs, granulated mixed fodder, health, inflammation, live weight, digestibility, forage expenses. References - Kononenko S.I. Sposob povysheniya produktivnogo deystviya ratsiona [Method of the improvement of productivity of the diet]. Zootekhniya (2008): pp. 14-15. – Print. (in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Chikov Anatoly E., D.Sc. in Agriculture, chief scientific employee of the laboratory of feeding and physiology of agricultural animals of North Caucasian Scientific Research Institute of Livestock; phone: 8(861)2609170; e-mail: otkorm@skniig.ru. Osepchuk Denis V., Ph.D. in Agriculture, laboratory of feeding and physiology of agricultural animals of North Caucasian Scientific Research Institute of Livestock; phone: 8(861) 2609170; e-mail: otkorm@skniig.ru. Bondarenko Vladimir I., Ph.D. in Agriculture, deputy director of North Caucasian Scientific Research Institute of Livestock; phone: 8(861) 2609077. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kononenko Sergey I., D.Sc. in Agriculture, deputy director for science of North Caucasian Scientific Research Institute of Livestock; phone: 8(861)2608773; e-mail: kononenko@nm.ru.