Khudyakov A.A. Summary Modern disinfectants can be divided into the following groups according to their chemical structure: halogens, phenols, peroxides, alcohols, aldehydes, biguanids, amfozids and quaternary ammonium compounds. The most widely used are the following groups: alcohols, phenols, halogens, surfactants, aldehydes, peroxide compounds, chlorhexidine compounds. Old monocomponent compounds are no longer able to meet all current requirements. Modern disinfectology is the usage of disinfectants with multicomponent formula and polyfunctional properties. Virocid is a wonderful example of modern combined well-balanced disinfectant: it is a combination of isopropyl (alcohol), quaternary ammonium compounds and glutaraldehyde. Virocid can be applied by spraying, foaming (foaming agent is required) and by gassing (both cold and hot mist). This product allows carrying out disinfection of high quality, which can be compared with sterilization. According to OECD requirements, CID LINES products’ compounds possess biodegradability more than 90%. One of the main objectives is the livestock protection from the effects of hazardous and pathogenic microorganisms, i.e. care of farm biosafety. Key words: animal husbandry, productivity increase, sanitary, hygiene, disinfection, efficiency, disinfectant, Virocid. References - Adaskevich V.P., Bazeko N.P. Aerozolnaya dezinfektsiya [Aerosol disinfection]. – Veterinariya (2003). – Print (in Russ.).
- Vashkov V.I. Dezinfektsiya, dezinsektsiya i deratizatsiya [Disinfection, disinsection and disinfestation]. – 1956. – Print (in Russ.).
- Galynkin V.A, Zaykina N.A. Promyshlennaya dezinfektsiya i antiseptika [Industrial disinfection and antiseptics]. – 2008. – Print (in Russ.).
- Polyakov A.A. Veterinarnaya dezinfektsiya [Veterinary disinfection]. – 1964. – Print (in Russ.).
- Ponomarenko G.N, Podberezkina L.A. Dezinfektsiya i sterilizatsiya [Disinfection and sterilization]. – 2010. – Print (in Russ.).
Author affiliation Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Khudyakov Aleksandr A., veterinary sanitary inspector, "RABOS International"; 21 bl., 47 km of MKAD, vil. Govorovo, Lenin district, Moscow area, 142784; phone: +7(495) 785-71-21; e-mail: inter.clean@rabos.ru (responsible for correspondence with the editorial board).