Nepoklonov A.A., Prokhorova I.A., Mavrin N.A. Summary Current status of prevention and liquidation of hypodermatose of cattle in Russia and in the world is reviewed. The system of control measures aimed at control of hypodermatose of cattle is described. Highly effective preparations for systemic action in different pharmaceutical forms: solution for injection, cutaneous application, in the form of premixes and boluses, which are used for treatment and prevention of hypodermatose of cattle in the autumn after flying of gadflies (october – november) and spring – in the case of detection of sinus capsules on the back, have been developed in our country and abroad in recent years. Key words: hypodermic gadfly, cattle, hypodermatose, veterinary measures, ivermectins, Elisa diagnostics. References - Abuladze K.I., Demidov N.V., Nepoklonov A.A. Parazitologiya i invazionnye bolezni selskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh [Parasitology and invasive diseases of farm animals]. – Moscow. – 1990. – pp. 407-411. – Print (in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Nepoklonov Anatoly A., D. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, laboratory manager of the Scientific Research Institute of Diagnostics and Prevention of Human and Animal Diseases; 2a, Grayvoronovsky 1st avenue, Moscow, Russia, 109518; phone: +7(495)9160051. Mavrin Nikoly A., Ph. D. in Biology, leading specialist of "Vetbiochem LLC"; 3/9, 3rd Syromyatnichesky lane, Moscow, Russia, 117602; phone: +7(495)9161711, e-mail: mavr-nik@yandex.ru. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Prokhorova Irina A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, marketing and sales director of "VET Traiding LLC"; 1, 38, Academician Anokhin st., Moscow, Russia, 117602; phone: +7-495-916-10-67; e-mail: prokhorova@rosvet.ru.