Belyanin S.A., Vasilev A.P., Kolbasov D.V., Tsybanov S.Zh., Balyshev V.M., Kurinnov V.V., Chernykh O.Yu. Summary Data on outbreaks of African swine fever in the Caucasus in the period of 2007-2010, as well as information about the ASF virus isolates isolated from infected domestic and wild pigs, which are of greatest interest to the study, are given in the article. The article indicates the data on clinical signs and pathologic changes in domestic and wild pigs. Authors selected 6 highly virulent ASF virus field isolates that caused outbreaks in the North Caucasian and Southern federal districts in 2007-2010. This study is important for monitoring investigations and strategies to select laboratory diagnostic methods. Key words: African swine fever, ASF virus isolates, virulence, pathogenecity, domestic pigs, wild pigs. References - Balyshev V.M., Kurinnov V.V., Tsybanov S.Zh. Biologicheskie svoystva virusa afrikanskoy chumy sviney, vydelennogo v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Biological properties of African swine fever virus isolated in the Russian Federation]. Veterinariya (2010): pp. 25-28. Print. (in Russ.).
- Kurinnov V.V., Kolbasov D.V., Tsybanov S.Zh. Diagnosticheskie i monitoringovye issledovaniya pri vspyshkakh afrikanskoy chumy sviney v respublikakh Kavkaza v 2007-2008 [Diagnostic and monitoring researches of African swine fever outbreaks in the republics of the Caucasus in 2007-2008]. Veterynariya (2008): pp. 20-25. Print. (in Russ.).
- Kurinnov V.V., Kolbasov D.V., Tsybanov S.Zh. Afrikanskaya chuma sviney – glavnaya problema dlya svinovodstva Rossii [African swine fever – main problem for pig breeding of Russia]. – 2010. – pp. 82-87. Print. (in Russ.).
- Arias M., Sanchez-Vizcaino J.M. African swine fever. Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine. Burlington: Iowa State University Press (2002): pp. 119-124. Print.
- OIE. African swine fever in Russia (Immediate notification: 04/12/2007). – web.oie.int/wahis/reports/en_imm_0000006546_20071204_161907.pdf.
Author affiliation Vasilev Aleksandr P., Ph.D. in Biology, senior research assistant of the laboratory of diagnostics of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology; Pokrov, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region, 601120; tel.: 8 (49243) 6-21-25. Kolbasov Denis V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, director of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology; Pokrov, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region, 601120; tel.: 8 (49243) 6-21-25. Tsybanov Sodnom Zh., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the laboratory of biophysics of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology; Pokrov, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region, 601120; tel.: 8(49243) 6-21-25. Balyshev Vladimir M., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the laboratory of museum strain sof the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology; Pokrov, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region, 601120; tel.: 8 (49243) 6-21-25. Kurinnov Victor V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the laboratory of diagnostics of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology; Pokrov, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region, 601120; tel.: 8(49243) 6-21-25. Chernykh Oleg Yu., director of the Kropotkin regional veterinary laboratory; 303, Krasnoarmeyskaya st., Kropotkin, Krasnodar region, 352380; tel.: 8(861-38)65485. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board:Belyanin Sergey A., post-graduate student of the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Veterinary Virology and Microbiology; Pokrov, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region, 601120; tel.: 8 920 9447975; e-mail: sbeljanin@list.ru.