Kryuchkova E.N., Petrov Yu.F., Shakhbiev Kh.Kh. Summary 33 species of helminths parasitize in wild and domestic carnivores. The greatest number of species parasitize in the organism of foxes (24), moderate – in raccoon dogs (16), badgers (13), marten and mink (12), wolves and jackals (11), the smallest - in ferrets (6), lynx (3 ), otters, bears (2), weasels and ermine (1). Stray dogs (20 species) and unowned dogs (18) are intensively infected in urban and rural areas, respectively, farm dogs (16) and apartment dogs, traveling with the owners on the country sites (17), are moderately infected. The least number of helminth species parasitize in dogs permanently living in flats (7) and in service dogs of urban populations (6). The greatest intensity of helminth infestation is revealed in wild animals, stray and unowned dogs. Key words: wild animals, carnivores, helminth fauna, trematodes, nematodes, cestodes. References - Korenskova E.V. Krenozomoz plotoyadnykh v tsentralnom rayone nechernozemnoy zony Rossiyskoy Federatsii (biologiya vozbuditelya, epizootologiya, patogenez i lechenie) [Krenosomose of carnivores in central area of non-black earth zone of the Russian Federation (biology of pathogen, epizootiology, pathogenesis and treatment)]. 2009. – 20 p. – Print. (in Russ.).
- Petrov Yu.Ph., Zubov A.V., Trusova A.V., Korenskova E.V., Shakhbiev Kh.Kh. Biologiya Alaria alata i osobennosti epizootologii alyarioza v Evropeyskoy chasti Rossii [Alaria alata biology and epizootological features of alariose in the European part of Russia]. – Russian parasitological journal. – Moscow (2008): 35-39. – Print. (in Russ.).
- Trusova A.V. Alyarioz plotoyadnykh v tsentralnom rayone Nechernozemnoy zony Rossiyskoy Federatsii (biologiya vozbuditelya, epizootologiya, patogenez i lechenie) [Alariose of carnivores in central region of non-black earth zone of the Russian Federation (biology of causative agent, epizootiology, pathogenesis and treatment)]. Ivanovo (2009). – 22 p. – Print. (in Russ.).
- Trusova A.V., Korenskova E.V., Zubov A.V. Parazitofauna sobak v Moskve i Moskovskoy oblasti [Parasite fauna of dogs in Moscow and Moscow region]. Russian parasitological journal. – Moscow (2008): 16-18. – Print. (in Russ.).
- Shakhbiev Kh.Kh. Ankilostomoz i untsinarioz plotoyadnykh (epizootologiya, patogenez i lechenie) [Ancylostomose and uncinariose of carnivores (epizootiology, pathogenesis and treatment)]. Ivanovo (2010). – 20 p. – Print. (in Russ.).
- Shinkarenko A.N., Abalikhin B.G., Petrov Yu.Ph. Gelmintofauna I epizootologicheskie osobennosti nekotorykh gelmintov sobak Volgograda [Helminth fauna and epizootological features of some helminths of dogs in Volgograd]. 2000. – p. 101. – Print. (in Russ.).
- Shinkarenko A.N., Romenskiy V.I., Petrov Yu.Ph., Gudkova A.Yu. Gelmintofauna sobak populyatsii gorodov Volgograda i Ivanovo [Helminth fauna of dog`s population of Volgograd and Ivanovo]. Мoscow (2003): 497-498. – Print. (in Russ.).
Author affiliation Petrov Yury Ph., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Academician of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, professor, head of the department of parasitology of the Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy, 45, Sovetskaya st., Ivanovo, 153012. Shakhbiev Khasan Kh., assistant of the department of human and animal physiology of the Chechen State University; 33, Kievskaya st., Grozny, Chechen Republic, 364037. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kryuchkova Elena N., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of parasitology of the Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy; 45, Sovetskaya st., Ivanovo, 153012; е-mail: parasitology-isaa@yandex.ru.