Osmanova S.O., Slesareva O.A., Omarov M.O. Summary Study of the influence of different forms of protein and amino acid balance on enzyme activity and protein biosynthesis is important in understanding of the causes of various efficiency of protein use. Adding of lysine in excess of the physiological needs led to insignificant reduction in daily gains. At a high content of protein in the diet, supplement of different levels of lysine resulted in insignificant increase of daily gains and protein utilization rates. The results of experiments on the influence of different levels of lysine and protein in the diets of laboratory animals on the activity of enzymes of lysine degradation – lysine-ketoglutaratreductase in the liver of white rats. It is proved that this enzyme has a substrate activity. Key words: white rats, protein, protein utilization rate, imbalance, deficiency, enzyme, lysine, ketoglutaratreductase, induction, substrate. References - Omarov M.O. Vliyanie treonin-imbalansnoy diety na aktivnost fermenta treonin-degidratazy [Effect of threonine-imbalanse diet on the activity of the enzyme threonine-dehydratase]. – Krasnodar (1987): pp. 86-87. – Print. (in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Osmanova Suvar O., postgraduate student of the North-Caucasian Scientific-Research Institute of Livestock; 2, Pervomayskaya st., Znamensky sttl., Krasnodar, 350055. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Omarov Makhmoud O., D.Sc. in Biology, laboratory manager of the North-Caucasian Scientific-Research Institute of Livestock; 2, Pervomayskaya st., Znamensky sttl., Krasnodar, 350055; (861) 260-87-98.