Krasnobaev Yu.V., Krasnobaeva O.A. Summary The effeciency of Virocid application for air sanitation in the presence of poultry has been proved. According to the testing run, application of the 0,5% solution of the product to treat the spaces in the presence of pigs allows to reduce the number of CFU in 1 m3 of air at 8,3 times, besides, regular treatment of the areas considerably reduced the number of the respiratory diseases. The same concentration of Virocid and 5 ml dose of the working solution to treat 1 m3 by ULV allowed reducing both bacterial number in the air and total microbial count. The researches demonstrated the safety of Virocid application for air sanitation in the presence of animals. Key words: poultry, Virocid, safety, disinfection. References - Menshikov A.V., Krysenko Yu.G., Troshin Е.I., Baranova N.А. Effektivnost aerozolnoy dezinfektsii v prisutstvii zhivotnykh pri respiratornoy patologii porosyat, vyzvannoy TsVS-2 [Efficacy of the aerosol disinfection in the presence of animals with porcine respiratory pathology, caused by PCV-2]. – Izhevsk (2010): pp. 21-23. – Print (in Russ.).
- Sidorova А. Mikrobnaya zagryaznennost vozdukha v ptichnike [Air microbial contamination in poultry house]. – Ptitsevodstvo (2008): p. 30. – Print (in Russ.).
Author affiliation Krasnobaeva Oksana A., Ph.D. in Biology, senior lecturer of the department of zoohygiene of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotecnology; 23, ac. Skryabin st., Moscow, 109472; phone: (495) 372-33-78. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Krasnobaev Yury V., Ph.D. in Biology, specialist, RABOS Int. LLC; 21, 47 km of MKAD, Govorovo vllg., Lenin region, Moscow area, 142784; phone: 8(495)785-71-21; e-mail: inter.clean@rabos.ru.