Slesarev S.V., Kukushkin S.A., Eremin Yu.I. Summary Influence of pig vaccination against porcine circovirus disease on economical efficacy of pork production is described in the article. The study was conducted in Krasnodar region (Russia). In total, 616 pigs were allocated to two treatment groups. 320 of the pigs received one dose (1 ml) of Ingelvac CircoFLEX® vaccine (Boehringer Ingelheim) at 3 weeks of age, while the other 296 pigs were non-vaccinated (control). Treatment and control groups were kept in different pens in the same barns. Vaccinated Ingelvac CircoFLEX® pigs demonstrated higher livability (+1,43% for nursery-finishing period) and growing (+4 kg for final weight) then control non-vaccinated pigs. Mean slaughter age of vaccinated pigs decreased by 30 days for finishing pigs. Return on investment (ROI) was 6,02:1 in this study. Key words: porcine circovirus disease (PCVD), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2), swine, vaccine, Ingelvac CircoFLEX. References - Arnold J. Kolb J., Edler R. Impact of PCV2 vaccination for controlling porcine circovirus associated disease in a wean to finish production system / Proceedings of the 20th IPVS Congress, Durban, South Africa.-2008.-Vol.2.-P.37.
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Author affiliation Slesarev Sergey V., chief veterinarian of the JSC "Kolos"; 1, Zapadnaya st., Kanevskaya vllg., Krasnodar region, 353733; phone: (86164) 39-1-60, 39-1-14. Eremin Yury I., veterinarian, Key Account Manager of Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim LLC; 29/9, bldg. 1, Donskaya st., Moscow, 119049; phone: (495)411-78-01, ext. 109, fax: (495)411-78-02. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kukushkin Sergey A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of Technical Service of Swine Products, Boehringer Ingelheim LLC; 29/9, bldg. 1, Donskaya st., Moscow, 119049; phone: (495)411-78-01, ext. 109, fax: (495)411-78-02; sergey.kukushkin@boehringer-ingelheim.com.