Gendzhieva O.B., Moiseykina L.G., Kirishov E.A. Summary Kalmyk breed of cattle is one of the most ancient, unique and the best beef domestic breed of cattle of a meat direction in Russia. For the first time research work in the immunogenetic, cytogenetic and molecular analysis of Kalmyk breed for the purpose of definition of a genetic variety has been spent. Researches in the comparative analysis of a genetic variety of Kalmyk cattle with the use of molecular diagnostics (ISSR-fingerprinting) are conducted. The Kalmyk cattle is characterized by the high maintenance of the polymorphic fragments revealed with the help of (AG)9C-primer, is comparable to that of the Mongolian cattle and population of yaks, and also – higher level heterozygote in comparison with the other breeds of cattle, tested by means of AG-ISSR. Results of our research show that the Kalmyk breed of cattle is free from Robertsonian translocations, and frequency of spontaneous infringements doesn’t cause anxiety concerning instability of the chromosomal device that specifies in the remarkable adaptive qualities fixed for many years of breeding. Key words: blood type, Kalmyk cattle, molecular analysis, cytogenetic analysis, DNA. References - Adzhaev V.I. Nomadnoe zhivotnovodstvo kalmykov [Nomadic cattle breeding of Kalmyks]. – Elista (2010). – 144 p. – Print. (in Russ.).
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Author affiliation Moiseykina Lyudmila G., D.Sc. in Biology, professor of the department of zootechnology of the Kalmyk state university. Kirishov Erdni A., post-graduate student of the department of zootechnology of the Kalmyk state university. Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Gendzhieva Olga B., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of zootechnology of the agrarian faculty of the Kalmyk state university; 11, Pushkina st., Elista, 358000; phone: 8(927)6458774; gend_olga@mail.ru.