Hematological monitoring of blood gas composition in dogs at laparoscopy

UDC 619:616-089:591.111.05]:636.7

Visloguzova E.V.

Summary. Laparoscopy is a surgical intervention on organs of abdominal cavity with the help of videoscopes (laparoscopes) used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Conducting laparoscopic operations in animals is accompanied by creation of excessive pressure in the peritoneal cavity, usually by carbon dioxide with a pressure of 7-11 mm Hg. As a result, there are changes in pulmonary ventilation and hemodynamics due to excess pressure in the peritoneal cavity. Partial absorption of carbon dioxide leads to disturbance of homeostasis, primarily in acid-base composition of blood. Author determined the informative value of blood gases in veterinary clinic during performing laparoscopic operations and revealing the peculiarities of changes in the cellular, electrolyte and gas composition of venous blood in dogs under carbonoperitoneum with a pressure of 9 mm Hg. It can be concluded that the use of the gas analyzer during laparoscopic surgery is an effective measure for monitoring the homeostasis of the animal on the basis of conducted research. As the result of the studies it was established that the changes in the cellular, electrolyte and gas composition of venous blood vary within the physiological norm at creating carbonoperitoneum with pressure of 9 mmHg during laparoscopic surgery in clinically healthy dogs. An exception was the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), which was increased by 12.5% (from 48±1,44 mmol/L at the beginning of the operation until 54±1,44 mmol/L during the operation), which, in author's opinion, does not lead to serious consequences and can be easily compensated by hyperoxygenation during spontaneous breathing of animals.

Keywords: carboperitoneum, laparoscopy, electrolyte balance, venous blood, hematological changes, pulmonary ventilation, profilactics, sequela, abdominal cavity, trauma, carbon dioxide.


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9-10. Vide supra. 25

Author affiliation: Visloguzova Elena V., postgraduate student of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin; 10/2, Sakhalinskaya st., Krasnodar, 350087; phone: 8-960-4912994; e-mail: sonador2012@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.
