UDC 619:615.015.4
Sokolova E.A.
Summary. Insufficiency of iron in the organism causes various violations of physiological functions, reduces the level of oxygen carriers, disrupts the bloodforming function of the bone marrow, reduces the level of enzymatic oxidation-reduction and immunobiological processes, and also can lead to premature birth, underdevelopment of the fetus, or its infection, disruption of labor. If the processes of iron absorption are violated, and the iron stores are depleted, then a state of iron deficiency arises and pathology develops-iron deficiency anemia, enzymatic, oxidation-reduction and immunobiological processes are violated. This problem is still not solved by science and veterinary practice. Author assessed the acute toxicity of a new chelated iron-containing preparation intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with iron deficiency for farm animals on white rats. White rats weighing 150-200 g were chosen as a model for carrying out toxicological studies. Maximum tolerated dose, lethal dose and average dose in laboratory animals were determined during the studies hence it can be concluded that the complex in accordance with the GOST 12.007-76 relates to hazard class 4, i.e. low toxic substance.
Keywords: rats, anemia, iron, dextrans, toxicological evaluation, toxicity, lethal dose, maximum tolerated dose, average dose.
Author affiliation: Sokolova Ekaterina A., postgraduate student of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Stavropol State Agricultural University; 32, Lenina st., Mikhailovsk, 356240; phone: 8-988-7579317; e-mail: katerina.momotowa@yandex.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.