Use of new preparations for therapy of mastitis in dairy cows

UDC 619:618.19-002:636.2

Togobitskaya D.R.

Summary. Reasons contributing to the emergence of mastitis are quite diverse. Inflammation of the mammary gland may occur under the influence of adverse environmental factors, in particular the keeping of animals on cold floors in wet areas without bedding or in the draft. Treatment of cows at mastitis should be carried out comprehensively taking into account the nature of the inflammatory process, using various means and methods aimed at the suppression of the microflora, increasing the body's defenses, eliminate the effects of inflammation, as well as the resolution of the immediate factors that contribute to this disease. Author studied biochemical parameters of blood and therapeutic efficiency of Masticorte Iodine and Masticorte Phyto at acute mastitis in dairy cows of black-motley breed. Scientific studies were carried out on cows of black-motley breed at the age from 3 to 10 years old, 450-550 kg of weight, with an average annual milk productivity 3190-3400kg. Cows of the first group were injected with Masticorte Iodine, and the second - Masticorte Phyto to explore the therapeutic efficiency of preparations at mastitis. It was found that the acute mastitis in cows decreases the total protein of 11.1% compared to healthy animals. Withal decrease of albumin fraction by 5.1% was observed. The number of à-globulins and y-globulins slightly reduced, p-globulins - slightly increased. Intracisternally Masticorte Phyto injection at acute mastitis promoted recovery of the animals in 3-4 days. Due to the incoming part of the preparation sulfadimidine provided a wide range of action against grampositive and gram-negative microorganisms. Masticorte Iodine at twice a day intracisternally use helped to reduce signs of inflammation of the udder on the 5-7th day of therapy. Author found that biochemical parameters of blood in cows altered at the acute form of mastitis. The use of Masticorte Phyto and Masticorte Iodine are appropriate and recommended for the treatment of treatment of acute mastitis.

Keywords: lactating cows of black-motley breed, mastitis, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, internatinale, Masticorte Iodine, Masticorte Phyto, efficiency.


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Author affiliation: Togobitskaya Diana R., graduate of Polivit Ltd; 112/1, Industrialnoe hgw., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450027; e-mail: - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.