Correlation between genome instability and embryo productivity in donor cows

UDC 636.082.4

Glazko T.T., Kosovskii G.Iu., Popov D.V., Brigida A.V.

Summary. Modern methods of reproductive biotechnology such as embryo production in vivo and in vitro are widely used in present day in cattle breeding along with more traditional techniques. Advantages and positive aspects of these techniques represented in scientific literature are used in programs for reproduction and breeding processes. However, there are almost no studies that have revealed the negative point of these technologies. Since the essence of embryo transfer technology is to obtain genetic material and replication of specific offspring from donor cows and use it virtually anywhere in the world, the biological effect on the genetic resources of individual regions of the donor cows is obvious. Authors investigated the embryo donor cows productivity with various cytogenetic abnormalities in peripheral blood cells and studied possibility of adverse biological effects on future offspring. Practical and scientific researches were carried out on herd of healthy cows of black-motley Holstein breed of the age of 4-5 years in the conditions of industrial dairy farm. By results of the studies it can be concluded that the donor cows with cytogenetic abnormalities have a higher level of response to the introduction of gonadotropins, expressed in the increase in the number of embryos that in case of successful embryo transfer would lead to the accumulation of genetic load in a series of subsequent generations. Authors confirmed that in order to prevent the accumulation of genetic defects in herds of cattle genetic control of donor cows should be carried out.

Keywords: large horned cattle, cow-donor, superovulation, transplantation, embryos, cytogenetics, genome instability, chromosome, genetic defect, cytogenetic abnormality.


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Author affiliation:

Glazko Tatiana T., D.Sc. in Agriculture, professor of the department of animal feeding and breeding of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev; 49, Timiryazevskaya st., Moscow, 127550; e-mail:

Popov Dmitrii V., scientific researcher of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostiakova st., Moscow, 125480; e-mail:

Brigida Artem V., scientific researcher of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostiakova st., Moscow, 125480; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with editorial: Kosovskii Gleb Iu., D.Sc. in Biology, head of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostiakova st., Moscow, 125480; phone: 8-495-610-21-31; e-mail: