Hormones’ content in blood of service dogs at alimentary stress

UDC 57:616.39-008.9+615.37


Sevryukov A.V.

Summary. Results of the study of hormones’ content in blood of service dogs, to which the dietary intake and the living conditions were changed, are presented in the article. Dynamics of the level of cortisol, thyrotrophic hormone and thyroxine in dogs’ blood was explored during the month. Authors found that the animals with high level of cortisol adapt to the changing of the dietary intake worse than the animals with low level of cortisol. Probiotic preparation B-92, which is based on the strain of Bacillus subtilis, and feed additive "Energy", which was made by "Royal Canin", were added in the dietary intake for increasing of stress-resistance of dogs. The high effect of probiotic preparation B-92 and feed additive "Energy" was detected in dogs with high level of cortisol in blood. This study’s relevance is rooted in the widespread usage of service dogs by law enforcement agencies around the world. There is a substantial need to maintain these animals’ physical and emotional well-being, in spite of different stress-inducing factors like dietary changes, the strains of transportation, and confinement conditions. It is, therefore, efficient to discover ways and means to enhance these animals’ ability to adapt to different situations.

Keywords: hormones, service dogs, alimentary stress, probiotics, nutraceutical effects, cortisol, thyroxine, thyroid stimulating hormone, stress factors, adaptation, metabolism.


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Author affiliation: Sevryukov Anton V., post-graduate student, assistant of the department medical biology and genetics of the Rostov State Medical University; 29, Nakhichevansky lane, Rostov-on-Don, 344022; 89085184341; å-mail: sevrjukov@mail.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.
