Clinical diagnostic criteria of equine corneal diseases

UDC 619:617.713 – 002: 636. 1 (06)


Goncharova A.V., Sotnikova L.F.

Summary. In the study authors tried to develop a clinical diagnostic criteria for diseases of the cornea, caused by different etiologies based on a comprehensive survey of the vision in animals. On the basis of an integrated methodological approach to the examination of eye authors identified six clinical forms of the course of keratopathies in animals with different color changes. Cornea becomes red in the presence of blood vessels that accompany chronic irritation, deep ulcerative keratitis or corneal injury. With endothelial or epithelial dystrophy of various genesis cornea becomes blue. Outcome ulcerous processes accompanied by ingrowth of vessels into the cornea are scarring, wherein cornea becomes smoky blue-white color. Under degenerative changes cornea becomes brilliant white. Melanin pigment goes on the cornea under prolonged mechanical stimulation and causes chronic inflammation of the cornea, accompanied by abscess formation, causing staining of black. Infiltration of inflammatory cells of corneal stromais followed by yellow-green color change of the cornea.

Keywords: equine, veterinary ophthalmology, cornea, edema, vascularization, trauma, degeneration, scar, white blood cells, pigment.


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Author affiliation

Sotnikova Larisa F., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, head of the department of biology and pathology of small domestic, laboratory and exotic animals of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109507; phone: +7(495)377-69-89; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Goncharova Anna V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, docent of the department of biology and pathology of small domestic, laboratory and exotic animals of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Akademika Skryabina st., Moscow, 109507; phone: +7(909)6729988; e-mail: