Epizootology of sarcoptoidoses of carnivorous pets in the republic of Crimea

UDC [619:616.5-002.954]:636.7/8

 Lukyanova G.A., Kovalchuk S.D.

Summary. In modern scientific literature there is a lot of data on the distribution of scabby mites of the Sarcoptidae family in different animal species. Published research results indicate the incidence of productive and wild animals, as well as dogs and cats with scabies. Domestic carnivores are in direct contact with the person, which creates a threat to his infestation. Epizootic data on sarcoptoidosis in cats and dogs, especially in the conditions of Southern Russia, are not available. Results of studies of the epizootology of animalis sarcoptoidosis in the Republic of Crimea are presented in the article. Authors analyzed the data on the incidence of domestic dogs with sarcoptosis and cats with noctoedrosis. The diagnosis was established according to the results of direct light microscopy of deep scrapings of the skin of animals with characteristic clinical signs (itching, alopecia, lichenification of the skin, excoriation). The authors presented the results of studies performed in a frequent veterinary clinic for 2015-2017, the results of which revealed that the scabies of domestic carnivorous animals distributed in the Republic of Crimea have species and age affiliation. Analyzing the spread of scabies in carnivores in the regions of Crimea, it was found that the highest incidence was recorded in the largest cities: Simferopol and Simferopol region (69.44%), on the southern coast of Crimea (Big Yalta - 8.3%) and in the vicinity Sevastopol (17.2%). In the steppe regions of the peninsula, isolated cases of animal infection were noted (Dzhankoy - 4.16%, Kerch - 5.56%). Since infestation occurs through direct contact with the sick animal, it can be concluded that the extensiveness of the invasion is higher in those geographical areas where the number of domestic carnivores is more per unit area - in the largest cities of Crimea. In addition, according to the authors, the risk of infection is increased in public places - parks, squares during walking, when visiting exhibitions.

Keywords: carnivorous pets, dog, cat, sarcoptoidosis, sarcoptosis, notoedrosis, scabies, scabies mite, scraping, light microscopy.


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Author affiliation:

Lukyanova Galina A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Head of the Department of Therapy and Parasitology of the Academy of Bioresources and Environmental Management of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; Agrarnoe sttl., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295492; phone: 8-3652-263752; e-mail: dokument_120@mail.ru.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kovalchuk Susanna D., post-graduate student of the Department of Therapy and Parasitology of the Academy of Bioresources and Environmental Management of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; Agrarnoe sttl., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295492; phone: 8-978-7417899; e-mail: diamondno1@mail.ru.
