Approaches for correction of animals’ immunobiological profile

UDC 619:57.083.3:636.4

Isaeva A.G., Bespamyatnykh E.N., Krivonogova A.S., Donnik I.M.

Summary. Improvement of productivity of agricultural animals is a very important issue that determines the directions in development of modern agrarian science in the sphere of livestock breeding. Breeding of agricultural animals is determined by a complex of activities aimed at intensification of production under the condition of the most profitable use of physiological characteristics of body of animals, including the ones under the conditions of anthropogenic contamination. Based on the above-mentioned, the aim of the research was study of possibilities to reduce negative effect of anthropogenic contamination on body of pregnant sows, to activatt and correct immune system and metabolic function and eliminate hormone imbalance, and to improve productivity by complex use of medications - Alexanat-Zoo and Akvitin. Alexanat-Zoo is a natural carbonated mineral containing mineral elements in the form of micellas. Akvitin is a complex vitamin product in the form of solution for injections. In this medication the vitamins A, D3, E and Ñ are in the water-liquid form. The research were done on pregnant sows 45 days before the supposed survey. For the research 2 groups of animals (per 10 animals each) were formed. It was stated that complex use of Alexanat-Zoo and Akvitin had protective effect. It compensated for a shortcoming of essential elements and vitamins caused by the pregnant sows' increased demand in them, especially in immunosuppressive state induced by toxic influence of anthropogenic contamination. Average body weight of newborn piggery, as well as the same in the experimental group of breeding pigs after 30 days was correspondingly by 12,7 % and 10,8% higher than in the control group.

Key words: pregnant sows, anthropogenic contamination, correction, Alexanat-Zoo, Akvitin, hematological and immunological parameters, biochemical parameters, productivity.


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Author affiliation:

Bespamiatnykh Elisey N., Ph.D. in Biology, Senior Scientific Researcher of the department of Ecology and Animals' noncontagious diseases of the Ural federal agrarian scientific-research centre of the Ural Division of the RAS; 112 a, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg; phone: 8-343-2951774.

Krivonogova Anna S., D.Sc. in Biology, docent, Senior Scientific Researcher of the department of Infectious Diseases Monitoring and Forecasting of the Ural federal agrarian scientific-research centre of the Ural Division of the RAS; 112 a, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg; phone: 8-343-2951774; e-mail: tel-89826512934@

Donnik Irina M., Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D.Sc. in Biology, Professor, Head of the department of Infectious Diseases Monitoring and Forecasting of the Ural federal agrarian scientific-research centre of the Ural Division of the RAS; 112 à, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg; phone: 8-343-2951774.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Isaeva Albina G., D.Sc. in Biology, docent, Senior Scientific Researcher of the department of Infectious Diseases Monitoring and Forecasting of the Ural federal agrarian scientific-research centre of the Ural Division of the RAS; 112 a, Belinskogo st., Yekaterinburg; phone: 8-343-2951774; e-mail: