Correction methods of superovulation induction to obtain optimal number of embryos suitable for embryo transfer

UDC 619:618:615.37:636.2

Kosovskii G.Iu., Popov D.V., Brigida A.V.

Summary. Use of superovulation induction technology and embryo transfer is an ubiquitous practice in cattle breeding. Three different types of gonadotropins are used for initiation of superovulation in cows: gonadotropin-releasing hormone extracted from porcine hypophysis and hypophysises of other farm animals (FSH); equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG); human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG). Currently advantages of FSH treatment compared to eCG are widely recognized in the embryo transfer industry. However all current techniques follicular wave and ovulation regulation still cannot fully eliminate variability of the response to superovulation induction. In present work the research results of thymalinum immunomodulator application as preparation step for donor cows before the induction of superovulation with FSH are shown. Experimental animal groups were formed on the basis of pairs of peers based on the physiological state, age, efficiency, live weight and the stage of sexual cycle. Authors noted that an increase in the duration of estrus increases the number of washed embryos, suggesting an increase in the number of ovulations. Obtained results allow us to analyze and recommend introduction order of superovulation inducing agents that will increase positive reaction to the inductors and will lead to generation of an optimal number of embryos suitable for embryos transfer.

Key words: large horned cattle, cow donor, transplantation, embryos, superovulation, synchronization of oestrus, sexual cyclicity, gonadotropin, follicle oocyte fertilization.


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Author affiliation:

Popov Dmitrii V., scientific researcher of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostiakova st., Moscow, 125480; e-mail:

Brigida Artem V., scientific researcher of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostiakova st., Moscow, 125480; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with editorial: Kosovskii Gleb Iu., D.Sc. in Biology, head of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostiakova st., Moscow, 125480; phone: 8-495-610-21-31; e-mail: