Stereotaxic device for surgical immobilization of animals at spinal injury

UDC 619:616-089; 619:616-7

Albertin S.V.

Summary. Advantages of stereotaxic device designed for surgical immobilization of animals with spinal injury are described in the article. The device includes two guide bars, spine holder, pelvis holder, vertebra holders, brackets, docking pins, and fixing screws. The guide bars have symmetrically located longitudinal wedge-shaped grooves for positioning the spine holders and aiming blocks for the stereotaxic electrodes, firmly attaching them to the main frame of the stereotaxic apparatus via the docking pins and fixing screws. The upper edges of the guide bars of the apparatus with the attaching groove correspond to the rhomboid frame of the stereotaxic apparatus and serve as runners for the free movement along and fixing of the electrode aiming blocks on the main stereotaxic frame and guide bars of the device. The lower edges of the guide bars with the attaching groove function as runners for the independent movement and fixing of the spine and pelvis holders in the necessary positions. The vertebra holders move to the necessary position by means of the grooved brackets, which are attached to the body of the spine and pelvis holders by screws. The device has a supporting window-shaped base with movable bars for protruding outsides the animal's limbs. Device developed provides surgical fixation of animal's spine and head in unified system of stereotaxic coordinates, free access to abdominal area and limbs of animals resulting to optimal conditions for complex surgical treatment, rehabilitation and care of spinal animals.

Keywords: spinal injury, stereotaxic spinal/head fixation, abdominal area and limbs access, surgical treatment, rehabilitation, animals.


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Author affiliation: Albertin Sergey V., senior scientific researcher of the Institute of Physiology named after I.P. Pavlov of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 6, Makarova emb., Saint-Petersburg, 199034; phone: 8-9633279686; e-mail: - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.