Episootological situation on infectious animal diseases in the Republic of Altai

DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2019-4-23-24

Shatrubova E.V.

Summary. Authors have analysed the epizootic situation on infectious animal diseases. The results of the epizootological monitoring of infectious animal diseases at the territory of the Republic of Altai were 7 nosological forms of the disease. 12 disadvantaged areas for leptospirosis, 6 for brucellosis, 14 for rabies, 2 for chlamydia and 15 for infectious anemia of horses, 1 for deer pasteurellosis and infectious epididymitis of rams were registered in the period of 2015-2018 years. The most affected by disease area was the territory of the lowlands and the midlands. Leptospirosis, infectious anemia and brucellosis caused the most economic damage to farms and rabies - for people. Leptospirosis was registered in large horned cattle (86.39%), in horses (7.51%), in pigs (6.1%). Brucellosis was the second disease on the occurrence. Significant number of positively reactive were identified in horned cattle (yaks) in the Kosh-Agach district. The region has 14 cases of rabies: 42.8% in Gorno-Altaysk district, 21.4% in Mayminsky district, 14.3% in Ust-Koksa and Chemalsky districts, 7.1% in Kosh-Agachsky district. The number of patients with infectious anemia in Turochaksky and Mayminsky districts increased in the recent years. Chlamidiosis was registered in small and large horned cattle in 2017 and 2018. Isolated outbreaks of emphysematous anthrax in large horned cattle and pasteurellosis in deer (marals) were registered in 2017 and in 2018, respectively. The level of vaccination of farm animals on these diseases does not exceed 20%, which is not sufficient to prevent the diseases.

Keywords: Republic of Altai, infectious diseases, rabies, brucellosis, leptospirosis, infectious anemia, chlamydia, emphysematous carbuncle, pasteurellosis, epizootic situation, dysfunctional points, vaccination rate.


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Author affiliation: Shatrubova Ekaterina V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Acting Head of the Department of the Gorno-Altai State University; 1, Lenkina st., Gorno-Altaisk, Republic of Altai; phone: 8-906-970-52-74; e-mail: katerinatur85@mail.ru - responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.
