Use of food additive Baikal EM-1 in turkeys’ feeding

UDC: 619:612.118:636.5

Bayzigitova Ya.R., Ivanov A.I., Tsarkov A.V.

Summary. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in birds occupy a leading place and are the main cause of death of young birds. Currently, the most promising group of pharmacological agents are probiotic preparations used in the poultry industry. The aim of this work was to study the influence of the new probiotic preparation Baikal EM-1, developed in scientific-production Association "EM CENTR" (Ulan-Ude), on the development of turkeys of canadianwhite chested breed during the fattening period. Studies were conducted on turkeys during 140 days. Baikal EM-1 was included at the rate of 0.15 ml/kg body mass of a bird with water in addition to the diet of the experimental group. Authors found that the weight of the liver and stomach of turkeys of experimental and control groups increased proportionally in accordance with their age. Macroscopic examination of the liver of the experimental group of turkey-poults have shown that it has a dense texture, smooth surface, uniformly colored in reddish-brown color. The liver in the control group has flabby consistency, with unevenly colored surface with light areas. Histological evaluation of the liver of turkey-poults in the control group detected the edema. In the liver of Turkey poults experienced group showed preservation of the braced structure decreases the intensity of the destructive processes. The authors found a positive effect of the drug on growth rate of body weight of turkeys. Introduction in the diet of probiotic Baikal EM-1 has no negative effect on the liver, reduce the intensity of degenerative phenomena, and contributes to the preservation of functional activity.

Keywords: poultry, turkeys, canadian breed, diet, feed additive diet, feed additive, probiotic Baikal EM - 1, live weight, productivity, liver, stomach, histology.


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Author affiliation:

Ivanov Aleksandr I., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the Department of infectious diseases, zoohygiene and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Bashkir State Agrarian University; 34, 50 let Oktyabrya st., Ufa, 450001; e-mail:

Tsarkov Aleksandr V., Ph.D. in Technical, head of the new technologies of Bashgiproagroprom; 9/5, Zorge st., Ufa, 450001; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Bayzigitova Yazgul R., post-graduate student of department of infectious diseases, zoohygiene and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Bashkir State Agrarian University; 34, 50 let Oktyabrya st., Ufa, 450001; e-mail: