Diagnostics algorithms of cutaneous papillomatosis and outer ear dermatosis in horses

UDC 619:616.98:578827.11-07:636.1

Biriukova L.I.

Summary. Cutaneous papillomatosis appears massively, mainly in spring and summer, while sporadic cases of dermatosis of inner surface of the ear are non-seasonal. Authors first identified microscopic fungus of Mucor family after analyzing the research and bacteriological data of scrapings in 100% of cases from the inner surface of the ear. Data on the diagnostics algorithms of cutaneous papillomatosis and outer ear dermatosis in horses are presented in the article. Risk factors for these diseases are considered, such as the age, gender, breed of animals, conditions of their use, feed and keeping as well as the seasonal factors for the disease occurrence. Also the pathognomoneous diagnostic clinical criteria of the disease are determined: qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the cutaneous and hair cover in the area of the tumors. It has been conducted the pathological-morphological research of the cutaneous papillomas, the symptoms that allow to distinguish papillomas from another tumors are defined. The bacteriological research of washes has been carried out and it is determined the presence of the fungus Mucor in the 100% of the outer ear dermatosis cases. In conducting of the virological research it was revealed the presence of the horse papilloma virus DNA in 100% of cases. The received data allowed us to develop the scientifically proven algorithms for the diagnostics of the investigated pathologies.

Key words: horse, cutaneous papillomatosis, dermatosis, micosis, risk factors, clinical diagnostic criteria, auricle, papilloma, alopecia, smear-imprint, scraping.


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Author affiliation: Biriukova Lidia I., post-graduate student of the department of biology and pathology of small domestic, laboratory and exotic animals of the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology; 23, Akademika Skryabina, Moscow; ph.: 8(985)2024513; e-mail: bastet2602@rambler.ru – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.
