Nosological profile of noncontagious diseases in service horses in conditions of middle mountains of Krasnodar region

UDC 619:616-08

Fedorin A.V., Belyaev V.A., Shakhova V.N., Petrosenko T.A.

Summary. The article analyzes the spread of disease service horses in the mountains of Krasnodar region. A dominant role in the reactions of the organism to the mountain climate is given to oxygen deficiency. Adaptation to hypoxia at the initial stage is different than other environmental factors. The fundamental difference is that lack of oxygen in the air leads to hypoxemia, thus disrupting homeostasis. Under the influence of hypoxemia occurs enhanced functioning of systems that are specifically responsible for the transport of oxygen from the environment and its distribution inside the body: hyperventilation, increased minute volume of the heart, expanding the blood vessels of the brain and heart, narrowing of the vessels of the abdominal organs and muscles. Service horses were contained in the paddock and in the stable. Feeding was carried out twice a day according to the instructions and recommendations of departmental orders and instructions. Data for the retrospective analysis of the incidence were obtained in the period from 2011 to 2016. A clinical examination was subjected to 164 horses in age from 3 to 12 years, with a variety of diseases non-communicable etiologies. Based on the results of analysis of primary documentation and clinical examination of animals we have identified the most common non-contagious disease etiology in service horses. We analyzed the most common non-communicable disease etiology, noting that the first place is occupied by diseases of the digestive system accounting for 28.7%, the second - the respiratory system - 15.9%, the third -diseases of musculoskeletal system - 14,0%. On the basis of the received results was developed linear-radiant floor schematic model of nosological profile of noncommunicable diseases service horses.

Keywords: middle mountains, adaptation, service horses, nosological profile, non-contagious etiology, oxygen deficiency, hypoxemia, homeostasis, linear-radionic model-diagram, musculoskeletal system.


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7-9. Vide supra.

Author affiliation:

Fedorin Aleksey V., military part 2396, veterinarian, postgraduate student of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Stavropol state agrarian university; 12, Zootechnicheskiy Ln, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8-914-7985939; e-mail:

Belyaev Valeriy A., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Stavropol state agrarian university; 12, Zootechnicheskiy Ln, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8-928-3137306; e-mail:

Petrosenko Tatyana A., student of the faculty of veterinary medicine of the Stavropol state agrarian university; 12, Zootechnicheskiy Ln, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8-962-4200478; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Shakhova Valeriya N., Ph.D. in Biology, senior lecturer of the department of therapy and pharmacology of the Stavropol state agrarian university; 12, Zootechnicheskiy Ln, Stavropol, 355017; phone: 8-918-7685327; e-mail: