Comparative valuation of cattle empryo transfer results due to embryo location in recipient’s uterine horn

UDC 636.018

Kosovsky G.Yu., Popov D.V., Brigida A.V.

Summary. Efficiency of different methods of embryo transfer, depending on the place of their location in the reproductive organs of the recipient and the type of instrument used during embryo transplant procedures are presented in the article. Embryo transplant procedures were performed using standard embryo transfer catheters for cows modification Cassou and embryo transfer device, developed in CEERB for the comparative assessment of engraftment of cattle embryos using different methods of transplantation. Heifers of dairy breeds were used as recipients. Authors found that during transplantation of embryos in the middle third of the uterine horn using catheter Cassou pregnancy was diagnosed in 45 recipients on the 30th day after the transplantation procedure, and in 43 heads on the 60th day. As a result of embryo transplantations using CEERB device in the middle and upper third of the horn pregnancy was registered on the 30th day in 17 and 29 heads, respectively, and on the 60th day – in 16 and 28 heads. Presented data indicate that index of diagnosed pregnancy on the 30th day significantly increased to 70.7% during transplantation by one embryo in upper third of the uterine horn of recipient compared with transfer in the middle third of the horn using Cassou modification catheters (48.6%). The same pattern was observed using frozen-thawed embryos: respectively, 60.5% against 38.1% (p≤0,05). It is authentically proved that the success of the onset of pregnancy was most frequently observed in the animals to which embryo transfer procedure with the localization of implanted embryos in the upper third of the uterine horns was conducted. Thus, these data indicate that the developed device is a highly effective tool for transplantation of fresh or frozen-thawed embryos of cows and can be successfully used in the practice of embryo transfer.

Keywords: large horned cattle, pregnancy, embryo, implantation, transplantation, uterus, endometrium, uterine horn, catheter Cassou, recipient.


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Author affiliation:

Kosovsky Gleb Yu., D.Sc. in Biology, head of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostyakova st., Moscow, 127422; phone: 8-495-610-21-31; e-mail:

Brigida Artem V., scientific researcher of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostyakova st., Moscow, 127422; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with editorial: Popov Dmitriy V., scientific researcher of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Center of experimental embryology and reproductive biotechnologies"; 4/12, Kostyakova st., Moscow, 127422; e-mail: