Ethanol-induced liver injury

Dudarev A.À., Kilmetova I.R., Strunin B.P.,
Makara N.S., Khisamutdinova R.Yu.

Summary. Problem set in the article is to define the efficiency of a new hepatoprotector on rats with ethanol-induced liver injury. Literature overview including foreign authors is given, methods and materials of the research are defined. The article emphasizes that all studies were conducted in accordance with the necessary regulatory documentation. In the experiment preparation was compared to other known hepatoprotector Carsil. Results were analyzed and conclusions about the new preparation, Dironax, as a protective and regenerative medicine for liver were made. Authors proved the efficacy of Dironax in ethanol-induced liver injury. It reduces levels of AST, ALT and bilirubin to normal, and has a marked choleretic mode of action.

Keywords: liver, hepatitis, hepatoprotector, rats.


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Author affiliation:

Kilmetova Inna R., D.Sc. in Veterinary medicine, docent of the department of morphology, pathology, pharmacy and noncontagious diseases of the Bashkir State Agrarian University; 34, 50 let Oktyabrya st., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450001; phone: (347) 229-08-57; e-mail:

Strunin Boris P., D.Sc. in Technology, director of the "Bazis Ltd"; 112/1, Industrialnoe hgw., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450027; e-mail:

Makara Nina S., associate researcher of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science; 71, Oktyabrya av., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450054; phone: 8(347) 235-60-22; e-mail:

Khisamutdinova Regina Yu., researcher of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science; 71, Oktyabrya av., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450054; phone: 8(347) 235-60-22; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Dudarev Artur A., post-graduate student of the department of morphology, pathology, pharmacy and noncontagious diseases of the Bashkir State Agrarian University; 34, 50 let Oktyabrya st., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450001; phone: (347) 229-08-57; e-mail: