UDC [619: 591.4+591.424]: 636.32/.38
Kuzina N.S., Lemeshchenko V.V.
Summary. Respiratory apparatus determines aerobic capacity of the mammalian organism, starting from the first minutes after birth. The lowest efficiency of respiratory function is observed in newborns and neonatal animals, which indicates limited reserve of breathing capacity. Lung parenchyma in mammals is formed by a huge number of alveoli, which are thin-walled microscopic cavities opening into the alveolar sac, alveolar passage or into the respiratory bronchiolus. Morphological and biochemical features of the lungs in productive and laboratory animals that have reached physiological maturity were studied in detail. Features of a parenchymatous structure of lungs at lambs 1-, 7-, 12-, 17-and 22-day age were studied by the means of morphologic techniques’ complex. It was found out that parenchyma of lungs in lambs for all shares has typical structure and it is presented by the respiratory departments of an aerodynamic bed including the terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchioles and the alveolar courses which are coming toan end alveolar sacks in total forming an acinus. A morphological incompleteness of structures of lungs is inherent in lambs of a daily age what it indicates existence of sites with the fallen-down and partially fallen down alveols in all shares of both lungs that testifies to their morfofunktsional incompleteness whereas with age, there is an adaptive transformation of parenchymatous components of bodies. Decrease of number of sites with the fallen-down and partially fallen down alveoluses and the reinforced formation of pulmonary segments which is most intensively happening at 12-17-day age of lambs whereas by 22 days after the birth their quantity is reduced.
Keywords: neonatal lambs, lungs, alveoli, parenchyma, stroma, lobule, acinus, terminal bronchioles, alveolar courses, histotopogram.
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Author affiliation:
Lemeshenko Vladimar V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Head of the department of anatomy and animal physiology of Academy of Bioresources and Environmental Management of the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University: Agrarnoe sttl., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295492; phone: 8-978-722-50-56; e-mail: lemeshenko@mail.ru.
Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Kuzina Nina S., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Laboratory of veterinary neonatology of the department of anatomy and animal physiology of of Academy of Bioresources and Environmental Management of the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University; Agrarnoe sttl., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295492; phone: 8-978-757-19-86; e-mail: angeliksus@mail.ru.