Economic damage from piroplasmidoses in farm animals in Russia

UDC 528.087.4

Belimenko V.V., Gulyukin A.M., Novosad E.V.

Summary. One of the main indices for epizootic process is economic damage caused by infectious diseases in livestock. The scope is to determine the economic damage from piroplasmidoses in livestock (cattle, sheep and horses) in the Russian Federation in modern conditions per 1 head. The economic importance of rabies in the Russian Federation can not be overestimated. The losses of meat production due to mortality of livestock from piroplasmosis in the Russian Federation in modern conditions per 1 head were 30432 rubles for cattle, 2705 rubles for sheep and 23391 rubles for horses. Costs for treatment the diseases in 1 head by diminazene aceturate were on average 534 rubles for cattle, 68 rubles for sheep, 542 roubles for horses, and by imidokarb were 557, 565 and 70 rubles accordingly. In addition to direct economic losses, the fight against pyroplasmidoses of agricultural animals requires a large expenditure on anti-epizootic measures, consisting of material and labor costs for diagnostic, quarantine and restrictive measures, as well as fighting tick vectors. There are other types of losses caused by epizootics of pyroplasmidoses (violation of economic activities, restriction of economic ties, loss of the gene pool of animals, significant difficulties in manning the farms with imported livestock in order to improve the pedigree or pedigree composition of the herd in connection with the carriage of parasites). However, they practically can not be expressed in monetary terms.

Keywords: piroplasmidoses, economic damage, babesiosis, piroplasmosis, theileriosis, nuttalliosis, hard ticks, economic losses, livestock, risk-assestment.


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Author affiliation:

Belimenko Vladislav V., Ph.D. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the Laboratory of proto-zoology of the All-Russian Research Institute for Experimental Veterinary Medicine named by Ya.R. Kovalenko; 24-1, Ryazansky av., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8-495-970-03-68; e-mail:

Novosad Ekaterina V., Ph.D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Laboratory of protozoology of the All-Russian Research Institute for Experimental Veterinary Medicine named by Ya.R. Kovalenko; 24-1, Ryazansky av., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8-495-970-03-68; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Gulyukin Aleksey M., Ph.D. in Biol-ogy, deputy director for innovative work of the All-Russian Research Institute for Experimental Veterinary Medicine named by Ya.R. Kovalenko; 24-1, Ryazansky av., Moscow, 109428; phone: 8-495-739-99-06; e-mail: