Animal organism’s discomfort in habitat - main cause of pathology

UDC 619:616.98:579

Luchkin A.G., Tikhanov V.N., Kirzon. Z.S., Gorina A.N., Vaganova T.A.

Summary. Reducing of animal population health in modern conditions is an important factor limiting efficacy of animal husbandry, as well as all kinds of ecological and technogenic pressures on the environment, directly or indirectly impact on the inhabitants of the land and air environment. In the conditions of specific regions there is a decrease in animal population health due to the discomfort of the organisms of populations with the habitat. Authors studied the ecological and epizootological conditions of modern animal husbandry, the territorial and temporal boundaries of the dominant cattle diseases, and also the strategies for veterinary provision of modern animal breeding. It was established that the number of breeding stock in dairy herds determines the level of extended reproduction of the industry and confirms that the rate of growth in the number of cows in the studied basic farm varied significantly. Analyzing the research links in the state of dairy cattle breeding in the region, it was found that, by reducing the level of discomfort of the organism of mother cows with the habitat in the basic farm, over a number of years it was possible to improve the reproduction of the population by 24%, the safety of the newborn calves in the early postnatal period - by 3.6%, to reduce the level of premature retirement of cows by 9.7%. By improving the zoohygienic and veterinary-sanitary regime in dairy cattle breeding, it is possible to reduce microbiological pressure on the animal organism, to increase the level of natural resistance and immunological reactivity of the animal organism.

Keywords: large horned cattle, population of productive animals, discomfort, habitat, ecological and technogenic load, natural resistance, immunological reactivity, population health, population reproduction, farm utility, epidemic danger.


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Author affiliation:

Tikhanov Vladimir N., post-graduate student of the Department of epizootology, parasitology and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Nizhniy Novgorod State Agricultural Academy; 97, Gagarina av., Nizhny Novgorod, 603107; phone: 8831-4667708; å-mail:

Kirzon Zoya S., post-graduate student of the Department of epizootology, parasitology and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Nizhniy Novgorod State Agricultural Academy; 97, Gagarina av., Nizhny Novgorod, 603107; phone: 8-8314667708; å-mail:

Gorina Alena N., post-graduate student of the Department of epizootology, parasitology and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Nizhniy Novgorod State Agricultural Academy; 97, Gagarina av., Nizhny Novgorod, 603107; phone: 8-8314667708; å-mail:

Vaganova Tatiana A., post-graduate student of the Department of epizootology, parasitology and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Nizhniy Novgorod State Agricultural Academy; 97, Gagarina av., Nizhny Novgorod, 603107; phone: 8831-4667708; å-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Luchkin ^ Aleksander G., post-graduate student of the Department of epizootology, parasitology and veterinary-sanitary expertise of the Nizhniy Novgorod State Agricultural Academy; 97, Gagarina av., Nizhny Novgorod, 603107; phone: 8831-4667708; å-mail: