A new approach using probiotics, metabiotics and bacterial enzymes for correction of gut microbiota disturbances of young poultry caused by pathogenic factors

ÓÄÊ 579.62
DOI 10.33861/2071-8020-2024-1-14-20

Mukhammadiev Rish.S., Mukhammadiev Rin.S., Valiullin L.R., Baryshev M.G., Karimullina I.G., Yakovlev S.I., Yarullin A.I.

Summary. The results of a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of probiotics, metabiotics and bacterial enzymes in correcting disorders of the intestinal microbiota, morpho-biochemical and immunological indicators of the blood in young meat poultry with clinical signs of intestinal infection and mycotoxicosis are presented in this article. The developed bioadditives were characterized by the ability to normalize these parameters. In this regard, the approach using a metaprobiotic and a multienzyme preparation showed the highest effectiveness. According to the recovery rate of Lactobacillus sp. and Bifidobacterium sp. the combination of a metaprobiotic and a multienzyme drug was 11,600 and 4,541 times superior to the same indicators in the control group of animals. The use of this approach in broilers contributed to the normalization of hematological (increase in the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and hemoglobin, respectively, by 17.24, 21.18 and 24.91 %) and biochemical (increase in the concentration of total protein and glucose, respectively, by 19.29 and 21.93 %; decrease in the content of urea, bilirubin and cholesterol, respectively, by 21.95, 19.97 and 17.45 %; decrease in the activity of the enzymes ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase by 32.83, 24.91 and 35.03 %) parameters of blood, and also had stimulating effect on humoral and cellular factors of their immunity (increasing the number of B- and T-lymphocytes by 11.56 and 16.39 %, phagocytic and lysozyme activities by 20.87 and 17.58 %, respectively).

Keywords: probiotic, metabiotic, metaprobiotic, bacterial enzymes, correction of intestinal disorders, morpho-biochemical and immunological parameters of the blood, efficiency, poultry farming.


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Author affiliation:

Mukhammadiev Rinat S., Ph. D. in Biology, scientific researcher of the Laboratory of Applied and Experimental Microbiology of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology; scientific researcher of the Sector of Probiotic Preparations and Enzymes of the Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; Nauchnyy gorodok-2 st., Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-987-4214127; e-mail: tanirtashir@mail.ru.

Valiullin Lenar R., Ph. D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Department of Ecology of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology; Head of the Laboratory of Feeds and Feed Additives of the Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; Nauchnyy gorodok-2 st., Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-950-9698469; e-mail: valiullin27@mail.ru.

Baryshev Mikhail G., D. Sc. in Biology, Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Acting Director of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology; 5, Institutskaya st., Bolshie Vyazemy, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, 143050; phone: 8-495-5974228; e-mail: vniif@vniif.ru.

Karimullina Ilsiyar G., Ph. D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Department of Virological and Ultrastructural Research of the Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; Nauchnyy gorodok-2 st., Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-904-7699225; e-mail: 89047699225@mail.ru.

Yakovlev Sergey I., Ph. D. in Veterinary Medicine, scientific researcher of the Department of Virological and Ultrastructural Research of the Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; Nauchnyy gorodok-2 st., Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-987-1850752; e-mail: arena176@rambler.ru.

Yarullin Ainur I., Ph. D. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the Department of Virological and Ultrastructural Research of the Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; Nauchnyy gorodok-2 st., Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-905-3174170; e-mail: abii@mail.ru.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Mukhammadiev Rishat S., Ph. D. in Biology, senior scientific researcher of the Laboratory of Applied and Experimental Microbiology of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology; scientific researcher of the Laboratory of Feeds and Feed Additives of the Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety; Nauchnyy gorodok-2 st., Kazan, 420075; phone: 8-939-3728789; e-mail: tashir9891@mail.ru.
