Functional activity of neutrophils and nitric oxide system state in albino rats under experimental T-2 toxicosis and salmonellosis

UDC 619:[616.155+616.2]:636.028:612.017

Shabunin S.V., Shakhov A.G., Sashnina L.Yu., Vostroilova G.A., Chernitskiy A.E.

Summary. The experiment on albino rats studied the influence of T-2 toxin and Salmonella chole^ suis on functional activity of neutrophils and nitric oxide system. The experiments were realized on eugamic infertile albino rats with the body weight of 230-250 g. There were 6 groups of animals (n=12). Blood was tested for phagocytic activity of neutrophils (PAN), phagocytic number (PN), phagocytic index (PI), spontaneous (spHCT) and stimulated (stHCT) HCT-test and blood plasma was tested for nitric oxide stable metabolites content (NOx) on the 7th day. Contamination with Salmonellae caused dramatic increase of nitric oxide production (by 19,6 times), even more evident under the infection of animals against the background of T-2 toxicosis (140 and 560 Hg/kg) that was connected with both toxic liver damage and with the development of bacterial infection. Realized correlation analysis demonstrated that under contamination of animals with Salmonellae against the background of subacute intoxication in doses of 140 and 560 Hg/kg there was an inverse relationship between PI and blood plasma accumulation of nitric oxide stable metabolites (R=-0,81 and R=-0,83 under ð<0,05) proving an inhibitory action of excessive NOx blood concentrations on absorbing and digestive capacity of phagocytes. The results of the researches reveal pathogenic mechanisms of immune status disorders in animals under T-2 toxicosis and salmonellosis and prove the necessity to decrease the negative impact of toxicants and antigenic pressure of potentially pathogenic germs circulating on industrial complexes on their organisms.

Keywords: T-2 toxicosis, white rats, infection, salmonellosis, intoxication, blood plasma, neutro-phils, phagocytosis, nitric oxide, metabolite.


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14-23. Vide supra.

Author affiliation:

Shabunin Sergey V., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Academician of the RAS, Director of State Scientific Organization All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 114 b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-4732539354; e-mail:

Shakhov Alexey G., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Principal Scientific Associate of the Department of Experimental Therapy of the State Scientific Organization All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 114 b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-473-2539354; e-mail:

Sashnina Larisa Yu., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Head of the Laboratory of Ecological Monitoring of the State Scientific Organization All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 114 b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-473253-93-54; e-mail:

Vostroilova Galina A., D.Sc. in Biology, Head of the Department of Pharmacology of the State Scientific Organization All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 114 b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-4732539354; e-mail:

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Chernitskiy Anton E., Ph.D. in Biology, Senior Scientific Associate of Diagnostic Monitoring Sector in the Laboratory of Reproductive Organs and Mammary Gland Diseases of the State Scientific Organization All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; 114 b, Lomonosova st., Voronezh, 394087; phone: 8-952-1009545; e-mail: