Indication of toxigenic Escherihia Coli using ciliates

UDC 579.842.11

Terekhov V.I.

Summary. Development of a method of biotesting of a toxigenicity of Escheriñhia coli with use of ciliates is the purpose of the study. E. coli strains isolated from animals with diarrhea symptoms and corpses were used. Existence of genes which are responsible for development of the thermolabile, thermostable, Shiga-like and necrotizing toxins is established using the method of polymerase chain reaction. Ciliates of 4 types − Paramecium caudatum, Stylonychia mytilus, Colpoda steinii and Tetrahymena pyriformis – are used as biological targets for these toxins. The environment of cultivation of escherichias – Hottinger’s broth, the environment of cultivation of infusorians − Lozina-Lozinsky. Results of research: it is established that with big degree of reliability specifically sensitive to toxins of escherichias were only Stylonychia mytilus infusorians. At addition in habitat of stilonikhiya of 24-hour cultures of the escherichias containing toxins there is a death from 12 to 45% of cages of infusorians. The most toxic effect E.coli − STX 1, 2 and SNF cytotoxins have, these products cause death of 23−45% of Stylonychia mytilus. To a lesser extent for infusorians of this look E.coli tsitotonina – TL and TS under the influence of which 12−22% of infusorians perish are. By a biotesting method on infusorians of Stylonychia mytilus it was determined that the maximum accumulation of cytotonics happens for 5−6 days, and cytotoxins – for 6−7 days.

Key words: Escherichia coli, toxigenicity, exotoxins, Shiga-toxin, thermo-labile toxin, thermostable toxin, biotesting, ciliates, Stylonychia mytilus.


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Author affiliation: Terekhov Vladimir I., D.Sc. in Bioljgy, professor, head of the department of the Krasnodar Station of fighting against animal diseases; 15/1, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350004; phone: 8(988)474-21-15; e-mail: – responsible for correspondence with the editorial board.