Skvortsova L.N.
Enzyme preparations are an important part in the diet of birds, which allow to use cost-effective feed components, without sacrificing the nutritional value of the diet, and guarantee the ecological safety of food products. Use of enzyme preparations eliminates the negative effect of anti-nutritious factors affecting the absorption and utilization of nutrients and stimulates the digestive capacity of poultry when the production of enzymes in the body is limited.
The studies were conducted on broiler chickens. Chickens of control (first) and test groups received full mixed fodder. However, the second experimental group of broilers during the whole growing period received enzyme preparation containing phytase in amount of 0,5 g/kg feed. The young growth of the third group received both: enzyme preparation in dosage corresponding to the second group, and a prebiotic containing lactulose in quantities of 0,1 g/kg body weight during the first 21 days. Broiler chickens of the fourth group during the entire growing period simultaneously received these food additives.
The use of feed additives had a positive effect on the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, while reducing the growth of the colonies of microorganisms of other studied taxa. Interestingly, growth of mold fungi was not observed in the blind appendages of the intestine in broiler chickens of all groups, whereas growth of yeast fungi was expressed greatly.
The use of the enzyme preparation containing phytase alone and in combination with prebiotic containing lactulose influences the development of microbiocenosis of the digestive tract of broiler chickens, increases production rates during cultivation.
Key words: broilers, prebiotic, lactulose, phytase, glandular stomach, intestine microflora, safety.
Author affiliation
Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Skvortsova Lyudmila N., D.Sc. in Biology, leading scientific researcher of the laboratory of physiology and feeding of farm animals of the North Caucasian Scientific Research Institute of Livestock, docent of the department of physiology and animal feeding of the Kuban State Agrarian University; 13, Kalinina st., Krasnodar, 350044; phone: 89184689453; å-mail: