UDÑ 619:579.869.1

Khuray R. Ya., Marchenko T.V., Glotova Å.V.


Listerioså is not a widespread infection. By quantity of revealed cases it considerably concedes to salmonellose and campylobacteriose, but surpasses them in weight of a clinical current and mortality. It is dangerous both to animals, and for the humans. The causative agent is bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, which is fairly stable in the environment and food products. Infection occurs in different ways, but most important is infection by eating infected food. In connection with variety of clinical displays of illness major importance in diagnostics is given to results of laboratory researches the main of which is allocation of culture by bacteriological method. At allocation of Listeria it is necessary to pay attention on their morphological and cultural characteristics. For the prevention of listerioses it is necessary to follow the full feeding and observance of sanitary-and-hygienic rules of animals content. For people control of foodstuff is obligatory.

Key words: listeriose, clinical signs, infecting agent, bacteriological research, abortion, meningitis, defeat of the central nervous system, preventive maintenance measure, nutrient mediums.


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Author affiliation

Khuray Ramazan Ya., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, Deserved Veterinary Surgeon of the Russian Federation, manager of the bacteriological department of Federal State budget-funded entity "Krasnodar Interregional Veterinary Laboratory"; 15, Kalinina st., Krasnodar; phone: 8(861) 2216162.

Marchenko Tatyana V., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, manager of the department of veterinary-sanitary examination of Federal State budget-funded entity "Krasnodar Interregional Veterinary Laboratory"; 15, Kalinina st., Krasnodar; phone: 8(861) 2216162.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Glotova Elena V., veterinarian of the bacteriological department of Federal State budget-funded entity "Krasnodar Interregional Veterinary Laboratory"; 15, Kalinina st., Krasnodar; phone: 8(861) 2216162;