Donnik I.M., Lebedeva I.A.
Influence of nicotinic acid on formation of muscular fibers of broiler chickens at the age of 6 days was studied. In chickens treated with high doses of nicotinic acid, muscle fiber was formed earlier. Obviously, it is directly related to the accumulation of tryptophan in the muscles.
Key words: nicotinic acid, chicken broilers, hypotrophic, normotrophic, hypertrophic, integrity, muscle fiber, okiprolin, triptofan.
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Author affiliation
Donnik Irina M., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, Academician of Academy of Agricultural Sciences, rector of the Ural State Agricultural Academy; 42, Karl Liebknekcht st., Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620000; phone: 8(343) 257-20-44.
Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Lebedeva Irina A., Ph. D. in Biology, applicant of the Ural Scientific Research Veterinary institute; 112a, Belinskogo st., Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620000; phone: 8(343) 257-20-44; e-mail: