Epizootological peculiarities of Dermocystidiose of carps in pond fisheries of Krasnodar region

Beretar I.M., Shevkoplyas V.N.


Dermocystidiose of carps is characterized by defeat of gills and subcutaneous cellular tissue in form of sprawling nodes of mushroom shape. Disease is registered in spring when the water temperature is 12 - 20°C. Carp yearlings are more often defeated by Dermocystidium erschowi (extent of infestation ranges from 5 to 15%). The purpose of our research was the study of the biological cycle of the parasite at optimal (15 – 17°C) and at low (3 – 5°C) temperatures. Contamination of carp yearlings was conducted by spore suspension, selected directly from dermacystidiose node, in different ways: orally, intraperitoneally and subcutaneously. On the 60th day after oral contamination of carp yearlings in the caudal appendage nodules of about 15 mm in diameter and minor swelling were detected. Subsequently, development of parasitic nodes of mushroom shape of 20 mm in diameter was observed in the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the infected fish. Tissue of the node consisted of fibrous cysts filled with spores. While nodes matured, they increased in size. Mass mortality of fish was not observed. After subcutaneous and intraperitoneal contamination symptoms of dermocystidiose were not noted. Clinical signs of dermocystidiose were not identified at low temperatures (3 – 5°C). This confirms the slowdown process of reproduction of spores at lowering of the temperature below 5°C.

Key words: carp, biological cycle, cysts, spores, necrose, ulcers, extent of infestation.


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Author affiliation

Shevkoplyas Vladimir N., D.Sc. in Veterinary Medicine, professor of the department of parazitology, veteterinary-sanitary examination and zoohygiene of the Kuban State Agrarian University, Honored Veterinarian of the Russian Federation, head of the State Veterinary Department of Krasnodar Region; 36. Rashpilevskaya st., Krasnodar, 350000, tel.: 8 (861) 262-19-23.

Responsible for correspondence with the editorial board: Beretar Inna M., Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine, chief veterinarian of the Krasnodar regional station of fighting against animal diseases; 4, Morskaya st., Krasnodar, Russia, 350020; phone: +7 (918) 4656939; alexa_85_85@mail.ru.
